The Chinese people think President Donald Trump’s comments on the trade war between the world’s two largest economies are “perplexing and exhausting,” a state-run television anchor said Tuesday.

“After a couple of years of President Trump’s term, I think the Chinese people have found a way to understand him,” China Global Television Network anchor Liu Xin told CNBC’s Seema Mody in a “Squawk on the Street” interview. “We’re not going to follow what he says every day because that is going to be very perplexing and exhausting actually, to a certain degree.”


美国医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心管理员Seema Verma在记者电话中表示,他们不仅支付CAR-T细胞疗法的费用,还支付所有相关服务费用,包括药物管理、细胞的收集和处理、细胞的回输(回输到病人体内)、以及门诊或者住院的治疗费用。

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