【王毅:凡是非洲兄弟期待和对非洲有利的事,中方都会全力以赴】Le conseiller d'État et ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi a déclaré jeudi que la Chine travaillera sans relâche pour accomplir "ce que nos frères africains attendent de nous et faire tout ce qui va dans le sens de leurs intérêts". Le monde est confronté à des changements majeurs jamais vus depuis un siècle, et le plus important d'entre eux est qu'un grand nombre de pays en développement, y compris la Chine et les nations africaines, sont engagés sur la voie rapide du développement, a-t-il noté.

#就这一刻# You'll have to go through those hardships alone.

In the movie "heartache", he said: "some people live in high buildings, some in deep ditch, some light, some rust, the world is a thousand kinds, not to seek, if you see a rainbow, you know there is."

If there is a reliance, who do not want to have been displaced, without umbrella children, doomed to run hard.

Maybe you have to go through all those hardships alone, but you also have to believe that there will be rainbows after the storm. You will grow stronger and stronger in the mud.

I have always felt that it is not the suffering that deserves praise, but the one who never gives up easily even if sometimes confused.

So, don't let down the pain you have suffered, and let the way you have walked become steps forward.

Go on courageously, the day will always be bright, you will always want to bump into the beautiful.

I wish you a life of determination and magnanimity. I wish you a life of determination and magnanimity.

#文谈[超话]# 最喜欢的意大利歌曲#Se tu m'ami (假如你爱我)[音乐]#
se-tu ma-mi
se-tu so-spi-ri sol per me
gen-till pa stor
ho do-lor de tuoi mar-ti-ri
ho di-let-to del tuoa-mori
che so-let-to io ti debba ri-a-mar
pa-sto-rel-lo,sei sogge-to fa- cil- men-te a tin-gan-narl
pa-sto-rel-lo, sei sogger to fa- cil- men-te a tin-gan-nar!
fa- cil- men-te a tin-gan-nar!
bel-la ro sa por-po ri na
og-gi sil- vla sce-glie-ra
con la scu sa del la spi na do-man poi la- sprez-ze-ra!
do-man poi la- sprez-ze-ra!
ma de gli uo mi-ni ill con-si glio
io per me non se-gui-ro
non per-che mi pia-ce il gi- glio. gli al-tri fio- ri sprez ze-ro
se tu ma-mi,se tu so-spi-ri sol per me,gen-til pa stor
ho do lor de tuoi mar-ti ri
ho di let to del tuoa-morl
ma-se-pensi che so-let-to io ti debba ri-a-mar
pa-sto-rel-lo ,sei sogget-to fa- cil- men-te a tin-gan-nar!
pa-sto-rel-lo,sei sogget-to fa- cil- men-te a tin-gan-nar!
fa- cil- men-te a tin-gan-nar

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