#我的法裔婆婆mémé# 91岁的Meme ,让女婿把她那半个多世纪的小厨房厨柜,重新刷色,老太太自己选了Tiffany blue 蒂芙尼蓝。今天在她那儿,还与我和Ray哥讨论了半天,是否把台面以上的橱柜也刷成这个颜色。我们都知道老太太像个孩子了,Ray哥说 “ Mom, it’s a beautiful color. Just do whatever you like.” 在我心里,Meme就是个艺术家,看她设计和亲手制作的彩玻璃吊挂,独一无二啊。。。一碟「柠檬软鸡」,一盘Phyllo 酥角,一瓶 Côtes du Rhône 法国白葡萄酒,Simple yet delicious ,充满喜悦。 https://t.cn/R2WxFX7


雪儿说:“男人不是必需品,男人是奢侈品。他们就像是甜品”“我热爱甜品,男人很酷。但不一定要靠男人活着。我妈妈对我说:'你知道,甜心,有一天你应该安顿下来,嫁给一个有钱人。' ”雪儿答:妈妈,我是有钱人 Mom, I am a rich man"


When browsing around all kinds of online platforms,WeChat, Blogs, or TikTok, it's more likely to be confronted with pessimistic feelings, complaints, disappointment, accusations, depression, desperation and so forth. I have no rights and position to criticize or judge them. But ,definitely, I don't want to be influenced emotionally. Today, one day off, with no online shift, I made the wardrobe cleaning out of the necessity of garment - changing for the approaching of late spring. As a man's wife and a girl's mom, I'm obligated to do more for them willingly. Exhausted, with a severe stomachache, however, I was determined to complete the huge task. Tomorrow is another day, and seize the day, I may not bother to reflect on the inner me. https://t.cn/RZ5lbu6

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