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2 Van cats to join int’l cat beauty contest
Two Van cats, named “Su” and “Başak,” have been nominated for the Istanbul International Cat Beauty Contest, which will be held between Oct. 31 and Nov. 3. The contest will host 200 cats.
Two of the cats from the Van Cat Research and Application Center of the Yüzüncü Yıl University in the eastern province of Van will attend the competition.
The director of the center, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Kaya, said that the competition will be held for the seventh time and is organized jointly by the Turkey Cat Federation and Happy Cat Association.
“Two cats have been nominated from Van. It will be a competition which includes all kinds of concepts such as training, hairdressing and nutrition of cats…Hopefully, one of our Van cats will come first in this contest,” said Kaya.
Van cats are relatively large, have a chalky white coat, sometimes with ruddy coloration on the head and hindquarters, and have blue or amber eyes or one eye of each color. The variety has been referred to as “the swimming cat” and has been observed swimming in Lake Van.
In 1992, the Van Cat Research and Application Center was founded to protect this rare species from extinction, providing them with comfortable living spaces and health services.

智者乐山,仁者乐水。水有三性:平常时,至柔无形;遇热沸腾时,化气蒸腾;遇冷结冰时,坚如钢刀。A wise man enjoys mountains and a benevolent man enjoys waters. Water has three properties: in normal times, it is soft and invisible; when it is hot and boiling, it is steaming; when it is cold and frozen, it is as strong as a steel knife.

#TaylorSwift[超话]# 霉霉更新社交媒体I said in an interview 13 years ago "I'm just hoping that I have a second album that does as well as the first and someday get to be a headliner, and always be the same person that I started out as.” Scrolling through your posts today has me feeling all the feelings & I want to thank you. Because of you, there was a 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th album. You guys made me into a headliner because you wanted to see me play. And your support all these years is what’s helped me stay true to that kid I was when I started out. #13yearsoftaylorswift

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