- 20220421

因为️上午第一节 所以今天起得格外早些 而且这段时间老是做梦 更犯困 但好歹是紧赶慢赶去了学校 踩点到班 开始一天的工作
每次熬完周四的课 我都能松好大一口气 连堂太多真不是人干的事儿 迫使本“干神仙”必须喝很多的水 不然我这把金嗓子也得和安小鸟一样废得够够的(此时的我be like “宝娟 我的嗓子”)
辛苦的工作值得多吃一点 因为我真的太饿了 守课的时候 肚子都饿痛了 今晚超食堂 还是老几样 一碗稀饭一碗面(是我喜欢的宽面皮)配上馒头和饼子 昨天居然被大和☁️师说吃得多 但昨天状态是挺好的 唉 一个能打的都没有
最后 咱就是说 迪丽热巴你这么漂亮请多多营业️好吗不要浪费了你的美貌 这样的照片我一点也不嫌多谢谢

Li Sheng, what's your mood now?

Za said, the entertainment industry can be really interesting, After Li Sheng denied divorce, "black powder" also issued a response, explain the past few years to Li Sheng KEPT P graph made up melon, including the endorsement of melon, top flow cooperation melon, finally also made up a divorce melon, all do is from the love of Li Sheng, this... !

Not to mention the response, what are the fans like these days? I always write a thousand-word essay. To be honest, it is the first time to see fans responding to their idols.

Unexpectedly, a "black powder" than the cause of the powder also long love, a time unexpectedly can not distinguish is praise or scold.

Yesterday, Li Jiahang also issued a response to divorce rumors, revealed that has found P picture of Li Sheng and bestie photo, said the other party is just a young child, helpless.

To be honest, when I see the content of "black pink", I don't look like a young child at all.

Do not know li Sheng to see the "black powder" response, in the end will be what mood.

Li Sheng, what's your mood now?

Za said, the entertainment industry can be really interesting, After Li Sheng denied divorce, "black powder" also issued a response, explain the past few years to Li Sheng KEPT P graph made up melon, including the endorsement of melon, top flow cooperation melon, finally also made up a divorce melon, all do is from the love of Li Sheng, this... !

Not to mention the response, what are the fans like these days? I always write a thousand-word essay. To be honest, it is the first time to see fans responding to their idols.

Unexpectedly, a "black powder" than the cause of the powder also long love, a time unexpectedly can not distinguish is praise or scold.

Yesterday, Li Jiahang Icon also posted a response to divorce rumors, revealed that they have found a photo of Li Sheng and her bestie, said that the other party is just a young child, there is nothing to do.

To be honest, when I see the content of "black pink", I don't look like a young child at all.

Do not know li Sheng to see the "black powder" response, in the end will be what mood.

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