Dong Qing once said:

"Farewell is the end and the beginning,

It's pain and hope. "

Farewell, not the end,

But for a better meeting.

Say goodbye to the tenderness of spring,

It ushered in the warmth of summer,

Say goodbye to the charm of red,

And green is coming.......

All the year round, spring goes to summer,

It's just a cycle.

Give people eternal hope. "

Come and go, the four seasons flow,

Years are merciless and tender.

Don't be sad for the farewell of spring,

Actually, happiness is in your hand,

Beauty doesn't stop at the moment.

Listen to me. thank you because you warm the four seasons thank you thank you for having you the world is more beautiful I want to thank you because you love is always in my heart thank you thank you for having you to pass happiness

《闻香识女人》Oh, please, he is Al pasinoye.
电影全程阿帕d气质毫无类似铁叔那种脆弱感,最难过d时候也极其坚硬可真的让人很怜惜 ​​​

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