#言和[超话]##洛天依[超话]##vocaloid[超话]##乐正绫[超话]#This is a recruitment notice.
[爱你]Hello,we're “VOCALOID fans Association”(China)
As a newly born group, we are still striving for the growth of the group. This time, we began to recruit new members. Our organization follows the principle of "mutual help, solidarity and friendship." If you like VOCALOID culture, then join us. Please scan the QQ group two-dimensional code below for contact information.(the final interpretation right belongs to the VOCALOID fans Association, and the logo has been authorized to be used by the vocaloid fans Association)

------(VOCALOID fans)


-----VOCALOID粉丝公会行政部 https://t.cn/RXm7ZuK

最近在追《令人心动的offer》,周震南真的超可爱了!何运晨满足了我对何以琛的全部幻想!!这里有一位不想睡觉的想做周震南的follow PD呢……

107.#News# CNN
[微风]Surveillance is the careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the police or the army.
[太阳]He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance.
[太阳]Police swooped on the home after a two-week surveillance operation.
[太阳]Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.

[微风]To greet, esp enthusiastically
[太阳]The crowd hailed the actress with joy.
[微风]To acclaim or acknowledge
[太阳]They hailed him as their hero.
[微风]To attract the attention of by shouting or gesturing
[太阳]to hail a taxi
[太阳]to hail a passing ship.
[微风](foll by: from) to be a native (of); originate (in)
[太阳]She hails from India.

[微风]If someone swindles a person or an organization, they deceive them in order to get something valuable from them, especially money.
[太阳]A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds.
[太阳]An oil executive swindled £250,000 out of his firm.

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