The seats were still there, the fabric faded and full of holes. She sat down on one of them. Breathing in the stale smell of old smoke, she was back at that magic time when everything was an adventure.
Long-forgotten memories slowly returned. The kind faces of Uncle Pat and Auntie Molly. The silky fur of the kitten they gave her. Going out in the early morning to the little barn to milk the two cows. The smell of warm milk and sunshine. Collecting eggs from the hen house. The clucking of the hens as they picked at the ground. Digging for new potatoes, then eating them hot, with butter and salt. Making scones with Aunt Molly, mixing the dough in the yellow bowl at the kitchen table that was, miraculously, still there by the window.
Megan got up and opened the shutters. Light cascaded into the room, revealing shabby remnants of better days. Wallpaper hung off the walls, and plaster from the ceiling crumbled onto dirty floorboards. But the room still held all the memories so close to her heart. Despite the smell of mould and smoke, a warm blanket of comfort settled on her shoulders. A feeling of coming home, of being welcome. She sighed, soothed by the soft light and peace in the little house.

Today I visited an actual cave which was a family home until 1956. It has been preserved as a tourist attraction . A family would live in one room, and part of it would hold a separate area for animals such Chu as horses, donkeys or goats. Water would be channeled down from above when it rained. Cooking was done on a stove and would always be one pot of food. Families were large, usually 5 or 6 children because half of them would usually die because of poor hygiene and a lack of medical care . The bed was always large because several people would sleep in it, and it would be high off the ground so that hens and chickens could roam underneath. No toilet, just a pot with a lid on it which everyone used. It’s amazing to think that families lived like this only 63 years ago here.


Today Pandora English
“Joey, stop hitting on her, it's her wedding day.”
“What? Like there's a rule or something?”
Some guy hit on me while I was standing at the street.


Anne sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Anne ten pens真是要命! https://t.cn/z8AUnM5

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