" hello, I enjoy what my naughty sister sleeps with mom to steal the star and post you some pictures of me. Because my care says "I'm irresistible" on it ☺. "a real little cabbage". I weigh 5418 grams and I'm in great shape!
I'll dress like a beautiful little devil (even if unlike my sister I can't crawl yet), I'm doing a lot of nonsense, and above all... Yes, do you see them... the big one News of the week is that: I make my teeth.
yes yes, my little pearlies are starting to grow! My careful says I'm starting to look a lot, but in mini version, to my dad and tian bao my big brother... what do you think of my mini face? Kiss you." baby boy

follow us also in the Dutch on Pairi Daiza NL

When I feel blasted, oppressed, wronged, even angry, here’s my Father’s comfort in this morning:

My compassions never fail. They are new every morning. So begin your day expectantly, ready to receive fresh compassions. Don’t let yesterday’s failures weigh you down. Learn from your mistakes and confess known sins, but don’t let those become your focus. Instead, keep your eyes on Me.

I am slow to anger. So don’t be quick to judge yourself—or others. Rather, rejoice that I am rich in Love. In fact, Love is at the very core of who I am. Your growth in grace involves learning to be more attentive to Me, more receptive to My loving Presence. This requires vigilant effort because the evil one despises your closeness to Me. Strive to stay alert, and remember: There is no condemnation for those who belong to Me!

Such a incredible comfortable powerful encouragement, affirmation and input it is! This comfort always comes on time and in time of my need!

He is faithful and compassionate!


Sleep, little eyes
That brim with childish tears amid thy play,
Be comforted! No grief of night can weigh
Against the joys that throng thy coming day.

Sleep, little heart!
There is no place in Slumberland for tears:
Life soon enough will bring its chilling fears
And sorrows that will dim the after years.
Sleep, little heart!


Ah, little eyes
Dead blossoms of a springtime long ago,
That life's storm crushed and left to lie below
The benediction of the falling snow!

Sleep, little heart
That ceased so long ago its frantic beat!
The years that come and go with silent feet
Have naught to tell save this -- that rest is sweet.
Dear little heart.

~ Slumber Songs - John McCrae

Shared Via English Poems Android App. https://t.cn/AiHQzaU0

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  • 有时候想想,他们更像是可以被无限信任的老友,随时随地‘不论原则'地跟你站在一起,彼此心照不宣”--@Mr_凡先生 [抱一抱][抱一抱]吴亦凡 每个你  梅格妮 
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  • 新的一年,我还是依旧许愿我爱的人和爱我的人都健康、快乐!你们是我终身的财富!
  • 而"正确的事",就是符合你的价值观和选择的事。”#智慧# #修行##时间管理# 时间是我们每个人最顶级的奢侈品。
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  • “可能一直在累积经验的原因,让我对工作更从容。连自己都不爱,在爱别人的时候,你会发现自身的匮乏,从而失去了爱的能力。
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  • 谢谢你的歌声和舞台在我快(ku)乐(be)的备考阶段给我了动力,我从你身上看到是真的有人可以为了自己喜欢的事而不断的努力的,尽管前路漫漫,甚至有些黑暗。Haha
  • 它们是深层潜水者,会在海洋各层深度觅食,冬天捕食底栖生物,特别是生活在厚厚冰层下的比目鱼,夏天的主要食物是北极鳕鱼、比目鱼以及一些其他鱼类。牙齿平时除了打斗之外