#不改名的素材库# #Fanny Ardant# I went through a lot of films, 8 Femmes, like a vacation. And then there was a scene, the kiss with Catherine Deneuve. When I was on her, I said to her: I am a false skinny. It scared me, I had never kissed a woman, but Catherine has this quality of ennobling things. Fortunately, my first homosexual act was with her.——FA on LPZ



#filmrating# Doctor Sleep. Think vampire films, although it's not a vampire film. Think x-man, although it's not x-men. It's a supernatural ghosty kind of affair with an art-house atmosphere. Ewan McGregor is good in this and although it's hard to summarise, I would recommend taking a look if you like spooky supernatural stuff 7/10

#filmrating# The Lion King. Firstly, wow, it's amazing what they can do with animals these days. This is the most realistic, best talking animal film I've seen to date. Even more impressive than the latest Jungle Book films. And beyond special effects, it's a classic story with some nice humour so let's go 8/10

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