BA (Hons) Anthropology with Foundation;
BA (Hons) Art History;
BA (Hons) Creative Writing;
BA (Hons) Creative Writing with Foundation;
BA (Hons) English;
BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing;
BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing with Foundation;
BA (Hons) English with Foundation;
BA (Hons) History;
BA (Hons) History with Foundation;
BSc (Hons) Criminology;
BSc (Hons) Criminology and Psychology;
BSc (Hons) Criminology and Sociology;
BSc (Hons) Criminology with Foundation;
LLB (Hons) Law;
LLB (Hons) Law and Criminology;
LLB (Hons) Law with Foundation;
BSc (Hons) Professional Policing;
BEng (Hons) Civil and Coastal Engineering;
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science;
BSc (Hons) Geography with Ocean Science;
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology;
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology;
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Oceanography;
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology with Foundation Year;
BEng (Hons) Marine Technology;
BSc (Hons) Navigation and Maritime Science;
BSc (Hons) Ocean Exploration and Surveying;
BSc (Hons) Ocean Science and Marine Conservation;
BSc (Hons) Ocean Sciences with Foundation Year;
BSc (Hons) Oceanography and Coastal Processes;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Education;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Finance;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Foundation Year;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Theoretical Physics;
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science;
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science with Integrated Foundation Year;
BSc (Hons) Clinical Physiology;
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography;
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography with Foundation Ultrasonography;
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography with Integrated Foundation Year;
BSc (Hons) Human Biosciences;
BSc (Hons) Nutrition, Exercise and Health;
BSc (Hons) Audio and Music Technology;
BA (Hons) Music;
BSc (Hons) Midwifery;
BSc (Hons) Midwifery;
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health);
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child Health);
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health);
BA (Hons) Acting;
BA (Hons) Acting with Foundation;
BA (Hons) Drama;
BA (Hons) Drama with Foundation;
BA (Hons) Musical Theatre;
BA (Hons) Musical Theatre with Foundation;
BSc (Hons) Criminology and Psychology;
BSc (Hons) Psychology;
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology;
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Human Biology;
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Integrated Foundation Year;
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Sociology;
BSc (Hons) International Relations;
BSc (Hons) International Relations with Foundation;
BSc (Hons) Politics;
BSc (Hons) Politics and International Relations;
BSc (Hons) Politics with Foundation;
BSc (Hons) Sociology;
BSc (Hons) Sociology with Foundation。


Architecture BArch (Hons);
Urban Planning BSc (Hons);
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons);
Human Biology BSc (Hons);
Accounting and Financial Management BSc (Hons);
Finance and Management BSc (Hons);
Business Analytics BSc (Hons);
International Business BSc (Hons);
Management BSc (Hons);
Marketing and Management BSc (Hons);
Chemical Engineering BEng (Hons);
Chemistry BSc (Hons);
Chemistry with Computing BSc (Hons);
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry BSc (Hons);
Civil Engineering BEng (Hons);
Computer Science BSc (Hons);
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons);
Computing and Management BSc (Hons);
Computer Science and Mathematics BSc (Hons);
Information Technology Management for Business (ITMB) BSc (Hons);
Construction Engineering Management BSc (Hons);
Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons);
Textile Design BA (Hons);
Fine Art BA (Hons) ;
Graphic Design BA (Hons);
Criminology BSc (Hons);
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons);
Sociology BSc (Hons) ;
Design BA (Hons);
Industrial Design BA (Hons);
Product Design and Technology BSc (Hons);
Economics BSc (Hons);
Business Economics and Finance BSc (Hons);
Economics and Management BSc (Hons);
Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering BEng (Hons);
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng (Hons);
Robotics, Mechatronics and Control Engineering BEng (Hons)。


前几天汀兰先发烧后出疹子 医生开了很苦的药 我浅尝一口都忍不住皱眉头 第一次小嘴巴用力beng着 我问娃怎么叫的啊 “呱”哈哈 药喂进去了 第二次我说娃你吃药了看宝宝(电视)虽说不情愿还是微微张口吃了 第三次 不呱不看电视 就beng嘴不张口 最后看实在没办法了 只好张嘴喝了 看着她乖巧喝药的样子 心里真难受 我娃这么小就这么懂事

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
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  • 两个人的结合往往是灵魂伴侣的形式,所以在婚后会很开心。处女座很体贴人,是一个十足十的细心人,能够宽容人,理解人。
  • #阅读# 当我们看到世间人、看到亲人在受苦,我们可以同情他,但不要为他感到悲伤,要从灵魂的角度去看待他。将来有一天他们也会走向修行,时间是个幻相,所以不要认为他
  •   《走我自己的路》(李泽厚)  李泽厚先生的这部学术随笔集给我最大的影响是通过自己的努力去多读、多思,而且它里面有许多读书治学的方法。  《西方哲学史》(罗素
  • 因此正确的回复是采用折中的回复方式,例如:""感谢你提出的对我的建议,有些部分确实是我该思考的,希望下一段感情我会更幸福"&quo
  • 创业之前,要通过分析自身的优势,找到自己的主场,然后使用“绝佳提问三阶段模式”的方法,从最平常的生活中找到最赚钱的路子,以小企业的方式进入商业。特别是在当前人人
  • 有段迷茫期,每天自我怀疑,怀疑人生,四处向朋友求助,问如何给自己的生活和工作之间取一个平衡点……现在…..两年半过去了,工作就是我生活的全部,七宝就是我生活的平
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  • 你说得对 今天我们多云转晴啦昨天我说 我不想输 你说 你也没想让我输 谢谢你 我会记得吵架的滋味都不好受 但还好我们足够理解对方 足够包容对方想谢谢你 包容我的
  • ​3.自发生本土疫情传播,但暂未划定风险等级地市的入汴人员,须持出发地社区或单位证明,48小时内核酸阴性证明,入汴后由属地疫情防控机构根据该城市公布的封控管控防