Can your hands catch fire after applying sanitizer? ⁣
This image was circulating on the web where people were instructed not to go near fire or stove after applying hand sanitizers as it contains alcohol. "This lady applied sanitizer and went to the kitchen to cook. The moment she turned on the stove, her hands caught fire as alcohol is present in the sanitizer," reads the message, which is being shared with a photo of a woman's hands burned badly. Now, out of fear, many spread the news requesting others to be careful while using hand sanitizers.⁣

The viral post is a hoax. Sanitizer could not catch fire because the alcohol in hand sanitizers evaporates completely once rubbed over the hands and leaves nothing to catch fire.⁣

It has to be noted that within 10 seconds of applying any alcohol-based sanitizer, it will evaporate and it is definitely impossible to cause a burn. Health experts have advised using just one millilitre of the liquid, which, There are many flammable items that we use on a regular basis, be it deodorants or mouthwash, as these items contain alcohol. Therefore, if you directly expose these items to fire, it is undoubtedly dangerous. Similarly, if sanitizer bottles are exposed directly to a heat source, it can cause a fire. You can test it by pouring a small quantity of the liquid on a steel plate and bringing a lighted match stick or lighter next to it.⁣
Though hand sanitizer is a flammable item, when a small quantity is applied on your hands it will not cause any fire as it evaporates within seconds. Nevertheless, we do not recommend you to test it.⁣

Also, in the picture, you can see sharp edges in the woman's hand that looks like she has had a surgical procedure called skin grafting involving removing the skin from one part to transplanting to another part.⁣

In order to prevent COVID-19 infection, the most recommended and effective way is to maintain personal hygiene by washing hands regularly with soap and water. If not, experts advocate the use of hand sanitizers, especially if your hands come in contact with public space. But due to these fake messages, many tend to stop using alcohol-based sanitizers to avoid any mishaps.

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[圣诞老人][佩奇]【终极机械格斗】对于格斗游戏,Reliance Games可以说经验是非常丰富的,《铁甲钢拳(Real Steel)》与《环太平洋》正是出自他们之手,从放出的宣传片当中可以看出,游戏的击打感还是非常硬朗的,而对战的双方则是机器人,预计游戏操作还是采用此类游戏传统的滑动与点击相结合的方式[超新星全运会]。#科技前沿##5G来了#

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