Drug supermarket, Go to dead

jian Ming building decorate a company to provide the information below shishi city (change) in fujian (original) wal-mart supermarket, every time I Go to shopping to be hurt, which is sticky paste, gel powder and drugs together, after being on my neck, the drug is altogether stimulants, such as sweating can absorb slowly, Go to sleep at night, eat sleeping pills also couldn't sleep at night, after the grave harm I boss is black eldest brother telephone, 15979576111, this man is not man is a beast, is a no culture, no quality no, harm to harm to harm to their relatives, there is the drug to the supermarket on my neck, the supermarket staff have drug trafficking, the supermarket should hide a lot of drugs, the supermarket for drugs we can discuss?

Drug supermarket, Go to dead

jian Ming building decorate a company to provide the information below shishi city (change) in fujian (original) wal-mart supermarket, every time I Go to shopping to be hurt, which is sticky paste, gel powder and drugs together, after being on my neck, the drug is altogether stimulants, such as sweating can absorb slowly, Go to sleep at night, eat sleeping pills also couldn't sleep at night, after the grave harm I boss is black eldest brother telephone, 15979576111, this man is not man is a beast, is a no culture, no quality no, harm to harm to harm to their relatives, there is the drug to the supermarket on my neck, the supermarket staff have drug trafficking, the supermarket should hide a lot of drugs, the supermarket for drugs we can discuss?

Drug supermarket, Go to dead
jian Ming building decorate a company to provide the information below shishi city (change) in fujian (original) wal-mart supermarket, every time I Go to shopping to be hurt, which is sticky paste, gel powder and drugs together, after being on my neck, the drug is altogether stimulants, such as sweating can absorb slowly, Go to sleep at night, eat sleeping pills also couldn't sleep at night, after the grave harm I boss is black eldest brother telephone, 15979576111, this man is not man is a beast, is a no culture, no quality no, harm to harm to harm to their relatives, there is the drug to the supermarket on my neck, the supermarket staff have drug trafficking, the supermarket should hide a lot of drugs, the supermarket for drugs we can discuss?

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