#每日一善[超话]##阳光信用# wl#每日一善#
Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear.Such people become crazy,or they become legends …有些人能清楚地听到自己内心深处的声音,并以此行事。这些人要么变成了疯子,要么成为传奇。——《秋日传奇》

Warrior Two [抱一抱]
You see this asana in many advertisements these days and Rodney and I want to reach through the different media platforms and manually adjust the pose for better alignment. ⁣
Here are some cues that can give you a sense of clarity and freedom within this beautiful and fierce Warrior 2 pose.⁣
1. Internally rotate the back leg, but plant the outer back heel FIRMLY into the ground! You should not be able to put the pelvis between 2 planes of glass!!!!⁣
2. Externally rotate the front leg, but keep the mound of the big toe firmly planted! Glance down and see at least 2 toes on the inside of the leg.
3. Shift your chest in a backbend over the back leg while bending the front leg all the way to 90 degrees.
Try these - get back to me and I will give you the next level of alignment points for Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2).

You are a Warrior.You might as well stand like one and help us on our mission to clean up yoga poses in advertisements!!! Even if the consumer doesn't know that the poses are misaligned, I guarantee that the consumer can feel it and maybe will even affect sales! Humans are sensitive animals and when something isn't right, we feel it.

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King Kong Hill is well-known for being an incredibly photogenic spot - offering some of the best views of Mount Bromo and the surrounding volcanos. Experiencing the natural beauty of the landscape firsthand, #NikonCreators@migbalfp was completely astounded as he savoured the view in front of his eyes.
"The Nikon Z 6 delivers good performance and dynamic range, and its 24.5 MP image sensor captures every detail. The
RAW files are also highly versatile for post-production."
How do you transform your creative vision into a reality with the Z series? We'd love to hear from you: nikn.ly/ZSeries
Photographed with #Nikon #Z6 and #NIKKORZ 14-30mm f/4 S.
ISO 100 | f/8|10s |24mm
Photo enhanced to artist's impression.

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