Dazed April 1998
Photography: Steven Klein
Styling: Katy England
Hair: Nicholas Jurnjack
Make-up: Mark Carrasquillo
Models: Karen Elson at Models 1, Rosemary Ferguson at Elite Premier, Sunniva Stordal at Fam International and Alissa Bennett at Select
Styling Assistants: Miguel Androver

【武汉在院新冠肺炎患者清零!】The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, the Central China city hardest hit by the epidemic, has dropped to zero, a health official said yesterday.
The result was achieved through the hard efforts of medical workers in Wuhan and those who were dispatched to assist Wuhan in the fight against the virus from across the country, said Mi Feng, a spokesperson for China’s National Health Commission, at a press conference in Beijing.
The last patient in serious condition in Wuhan was cured Friday, reducing the number of such patients in the city to zero.
In Hubei Province, of which Wuhan is the capital, the number of existing COVID-19 cases has dropped below 50 for the first time. No newly confirmed cases of the disease have been reported for over 20 days in the province.
The commission also said yesterday that it received reports of 11 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases on the mainland Saturday, of which five were imported.
The other six new cases were domestically transmitted, noting that five cases were reported in Heilongjiang Province and one in Guangdong Province.
No deaths nor suspected cases were reported Saturday on the mainland, according to the commission.
Additionally, 48 patients were discharged from hospitals after recovery Saturday, while the number of severe cases increased by two to 51.
As of Saturday, the mainland had reported a total of 1,634 imported cases. Of the cases, 940 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 694 were being treated with 22 in severe conditions, said the commission.
No deaths from the imported cases had been reported, it added.
The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 82,827 by Thursday, including 801 patients who were still being treated and 77,394 people who had been discharged after recovery, the commission said.
Altogether 4,632 people had died of the disease, it said.
Also on Saturday, 30 new asymptomatic cases, including seven from abroad, were reported on the mainland. Four domestic asymptomatic cases were re-categorized as confirmed cases, and nine people, six of whom were from abroad, were discharged from medical observation.

【国家卫健委:#湖北以外省份新增病例数降幅超42%#】The rate of new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus outside of Hubei Province has decreased in the last few days, said Mi Feng, spokesperson for the National Health Commission (NHC), at a regular press briefing on Sunday. As of Saturday, there were 509 new confirmed cases outside of Hubei, the province at the epicenter of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. This is 42 percent less than the 890 new confirmed cases nearly a week ago, on February 3. For more:https://t.cn/A6hvPrfI #湖北以外地区新增病例连降5天#

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