中期选举结果了,美国民主党Democratic party(美国目前的执政党)依然掌控美国国会参议院。

Democrats will retain control of the Senate after incumbent Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto was declared the winner of her closely contested race in Nevada.

Cortez Masto’s victory over Republican Adam Laxalt Saturday means that the Georgia Senate runoff election next month will merely determine the margin that Democrats have in the chamber, rather than control itself.

The outcome in Nevada came after several suspenseful days of counting outstanding mail ballots that favored Cortez Masto and eventually put her over the top. Her win delivered a one-two punch for Democrats in Arizona and Nevada, a pair of battleground states that Republicans contested fiercely.


Both Walker and Warnock have already fully pivoted to the runoff.

Walker spent Thursday campaigning with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

“We are in overtime. We got a runoff,” Walker said at an event in Canton, Georgia. “I was built for this. God prepared me for this moment right here.”

Warnock, during a speech to supporters in Atlanta, said, “”I came really to ask you one question: Are you ready to do this one more time,” a nod to the successful runoff election he ran against Republican Kelly Loeffler in the 2020 cycle.

At that event, however, Warnock’s speech highlighted how the already contentious race could get even more acrimonious.

“We have seen that Herschel Walker has a disturbing history, a pattern of violence against women, against his own family, and he refused to take responsibility for that and he refuses to even answer questions,” Warnock said. “So, the question right now is this: Is that who we want representing Georgia? This is a job that requires honesty.”

约金德•纳加尔(Joginder Nagar)是观光、钓鱼、长途驾驶和野餐等活动的理想场所,因麦克奇亚尔(Macchiyal)湖和巴斯发电厂(Bassi Power House)而闻名。约金德•纳加尔(Joginder Nagar)是该州曼迪(Mandi)区的第三大城市,以曼迪(Mandi)的第18任国王拉贾•约金德•森(Raja Joginder Sen)命名。它是亚洲唯一拥有三座水力发电站的地方,因此被称为能量之城。这个地区还以在比尔-比令(Bir-Billing)举办的年度滑翔伞节而闻名。约金德•纳加尔(Joginder Nagar)是许多短途旅行和徒步旅行的基地,也是纳古(Nargu)野生动物保护区的一个入口,这里有各种各样的动物群,如麝香鹿、喜马拉雅熊和虹雉。
Dharamsala--Joginder Nagar
An ideal site for activities like sightseeing, fishing, long drives and picnics, Joginder Nagar is known for Macchiyal Lake and Bassi Power House. The third-biggest city in Mandi district of the state, Joginder Nagar is named after Raja Joginder Sen, the 18th king of Mandi. It happens to be the only one in Asia to have three hydroelectric power stations and is therefore named the city of powerhouses. This area is also known for hosting the annual paragliding festival at Bir-Billing. A base for many excursions and treks, Joginder Nagar also acts as a gateway for the Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary that is home to a rich variety of fauna like musk deer, Himalayan bear and monal.

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