雪漠 著《老子的心事》
July 18, 2023
The meaning of waiting peacefully is to be calm and keep a low profile when doing things, and always remember that haste makes waste.
Xue Mo

how do you achieve this peace of mind
I’m like I’m gonna tell you
it start with gratitude
when you wake up
what are you grateful
what are you most grateful for when you wake up
I'll tell you what I'm most grateful for
I'm most grateful for the breath that comes with my lungs and I wake up
what are you most grateful
health everything my mother life me staying alive family god the opportunity to improve love a place to live Allah
you have the answers
what do you need me for
you start with that gratitude everyday
and then you go into some type of prayer and you go into some type of meditation
It doesn't have to be for 30 minutes
It doesn't have to be for 5 minutes
It's just a time to yourself
at this point inner peace is not just an idea it is an ideal
In order to achieve inner peace
you have to shut up and you have to shut down all distractions
get off this device
people are addicted to this device
people are addicted to their social media apps
people are addicted to watching other people's life in comparing with them
why is that normal
because if you always affect by the winds and losses and successes and failures in this life
you will never be at peace
because your emotions will never be settled
you will always want more
and I've been in that position
that's all I'm saying

Half of Australians say they would battle to pay an unexpected bill, with warnings voters are now struggling to deal with a perfect financial storm caused by soaring interest rates, power bills and grocery prices.

There has been a 10 percentage point jump since the start of the year in the number of people saying they would find it difficult to cover the cost of replacing a fridge or repairing a car, and the financial pressure is being felt by everyone from high-income earners to the unemployed.

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