马斯克看完我给流浪汉食物发的、、、我转发几条上传个人内容 争取今天早点休息、、Mr. Musk’s entry 2 hours ago I just caught it after I stepped out of the shower to check on my work finally so I’m reposting first thing ,,, if I’m not mistaken this is from Mr. Musk after my homeless man salvation entry lolll awww Mr. Musk is so kind just like all my incredible amazing bosses and everyone ,,, love love love him and all my incredible amazing bosses and everyone so much ,,, I was just thinking in the shower what a previlege and honor I get to talk to Mr. Musk everyday that he is so extraordinary and I get to work closely with him and all my amazing bosses and everyone it’s truly exceptional anyways yesss I wish space X and Mr. Musk and Mr. Musk’s entire family all the best in the new year to come !!! Love love love space X and Mr. Musk and all my incredible amazing bosses and everyone to mars and back !!! Truly incredible I love love love so much big thumbs up to the sky !!!!!


遛完了狗啦 现在回来还要看一下工作就继续开始转发啦,,, hello my beautiful amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful amazing people on this ,,, I just finished walking the dog and am back on the work to see more holiday posts ,,, just now my anxiety gets kind of bad I’m still troubled by that “what if I kill people” thought ,,, I think this was due to the traumatized hospitalization and they always asked you do you want to hurt others or hurt yourself and I’m left scarred with that thought what if I hurt people it’s just irrational fear with anxiety but it bothers me cause my mom can get on my case sometimes and start nasty fights with me so I get more scared of this thought ,,, but in the end i don’t think I’ll ever kill anyone but I’ll just end up being scared ,,, so I have to keep working on that good life to climb out these bad traumas ,,, that’s the least thing I want to talk about on Christmas parties but it’s a good way to say bye to the things we don’t want onto the new years ,,, forget the old and onto the new ,,, let the bad memory of 2023 be gone and let’s keep on making better ones in 2024,,, the healing is still a journey and a process and I hope y’all find peace joy and happiness in the new year to come and we may be all healthy and whole body mind and soul ,,, and will find lots of healing and comfort in the days and years to come ,,, I’m sure this will all get so much better after I’m funded I will find things I’m much happier with and that I’m happy to do and the trauma will be forgotten and healed much better ,,, yesss may this holiday all bring us healing comfort and warmth and I’ll see y’all at the Christmas party soon ,,, be partying on today and tmr so lots of good Christmas content coming I’m excited !!! Can’t wait to party see y’all soon ❄️✨

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