【国内首款!信达生物IGF-1R抗体III期临床达主要终点,将递交上市申请】2月20日,信达生物宣布其研发的重组抗胰岛素样生长因子1受体(IGF-1R)抗体注射液在中国甲状腺眼病(Thyroid Eye Disease, TED)受试者中开展的III期注册临床研究(RESTORE-1)达成主要终点。信达生物计划向国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)药品审评中心(CDE)递交IBI311治疗TED的新药上市申请。



成人市场一定只有BL, R18游戏, 色情产业吗?产值, 市场规模,

成人市场, XR/MR, 认知科学, 元宇宙

The adult market is not limited to BL, R18 games, and the adult entertainment industry. It also includes XR/MR, cognitive science, and the metaverse. The market value and scale of the adult industry are significant, and there is a growing interest in the integration of adult content with new technologies such as XR/MR and the metaverse. Cognitive science can also play a role in understanding user behavior and preferences in the adult market. By leveraging these technologies and scientific research, the adult market can provide more immersive, personalized, and engaging experiences for users.

tell more details,fictional some examples

Sure, I'd be happy to provide some more details and examples.

In terms of XR/MR technology, adult content creators can use these tools to create more interactive and immersive experiences for users. For example, a user could put on a VR headset and enter a virtual world where they can interact with adult content in a more lifelike way. This could include virtual environments, characters, and scenarios that are customizable to the user's preferences.

Cognitive science can also play a role in understanding user behavior and preferences in the adult market. For example, researchers could use eye-tracking technology to study which parts of an adult video or image a user is most interested in, and then use that information to create more personalized content. Additionally, cognitive science can help in understanding the psychological and emotional factors that influence user behavior in the adult market, such as the role of fantasy and escapism.

The metaverse is another area where the adult market is likely to see growth. The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality. It is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality. In the metaverse, users can interact with each other and with virtual objects and environments in real-time, creating a new level of immersion and engagement. Adult content creators can use the metaverse to create virtual worlds and experiences that are even more interactive and immersive than those currently available.

For example, a user could enter a virtual world where they can interact with other users and with virtual objects and environments in real-time. They could attend virtual adult-themed events, such as strip clubs or BDSM dungeons, and interact with virtual characters in a more lifelike way. They could also create their own virtual environments and invite others to join them.

It's important to note that as the adult market continues to evolve and incorporate new technologies, it's crucial to consider the ethical and legal implications of these developments. For example, it's important to ensure that users are able to consent to their interactions in virtual environments, and that children and vulnerable individuals are protected from inappropriate content. Additionally, it's important to consider the potential impact of these technologies on relationships, mental health, and societal norms.

In summary, the adult market is not limited to BL, R18 games, and the adult entertainment industry. It also includes XR/MR, cognitive science, and the metaverse. These technologies and scientific research can help create more immersive, personalized, and engaging experiences for users. However, it's important to consider the ethical and legal implications of these developments and ensure that they are used responsibly.

【港股早报:信达生物IBI311治疗甲状腺眼病的III期临床研究达成主要终点(2024/2/20)】2月20日,信达生物(01801.HK)发布公告,公司研发的重组抗胰岛素样生长因子1受体(“IGF-1R”)抗体注射液(研发代号:IBI311)在中国甲状腺眼病(Thyroid Eye Disease “TED”)受试者中开展的III期注册临床研究(RESTORE-1)达成主要终点。详情https://t.cn/A6YojOKc

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