Loro Piana 2024 秋冬成衣系列 ✨✨✨

很喜欢 WWD 对这个系列的评论:"wearable pieces that appeared simple to the eye yet felt uber luxurious to the touch." 看似简单的实穿单品,触感却是极致奢华。对于服饰品牌,这是最简单、最基础的道理,却也是最难坚持的品质。Loro Piana 坚持了100年

本季品牌标志性的 Sopra Visso 羊毛和 Pecora Nera® 羊毛回归,还有羊绒单宁、石墨烯覆膜功能面料等创新材质,深入卓越更多生活体验。

I had just moved to London with my manager. I remember being really stressed because I had no money and not a lot to look forward to. I’d always been lucky in my life with opportunity’s arising, but after a certain point when I hit 25 years old they stopped coming in. Reality set in and I wondered if I’d messed up my life. Each year that passed felt more like a repeat of the last one, monotonous and boring. I felt like the excitement of my old life was leaving… The excitement of not knowing the answers was replaced with knowing what was going to happen. I started losing that light in my soul. I caught a train up to this small town called Hitchin 1 hour north of London as I’d been writing songs and had a studio session that day. I went into the studio and my life completely changed. The song that came out was in a bizarre structure unlike anything I’d done before, I didn’t really understand chords or song structure that well back then and I’m glad I didn’t because what came out was very unique. “I watched my wild youth disappear infront of my eyes” I remember being so unsure of myself back when I wrote this. I knew deep down it hit some universal truth. I remember it was freezing as I jumped back on the train, I sat down and put my headphones in and listened back to my rough recording of the song. I messaged it to my brother and manager saying “I think I have something special here”. Waves was the first song that I released. I knew it had to be. To hear how many people have interpreted the meaning in their own way taught me so much and meant so much. Here it is, the song that gave me a life after i felt like i’d lost it


the sun came out before sunset, and the sky became so pretty~
however, it's completely cloudy at night, and i heard airplanes [飞机][飞机] flying by at 1016pm and 10:27pm~
hahahah [哈哈][耶]

i made myself same dishes as yesterday for dinner, because i still had those ingredients, and i try to use them out when they're still fresh, and they're delicious~
and p6 to show you that my soup was so warm when i was about to eat them~
i actually also drank half a cup of soda, 7 up (7喜), and then i finished it, actually i kinda like it because it tastes sour [哈哈], just today when i described to the Chinese medicine Dr. about my symptom of sweating badly in the morning when sleeping these two days, btw i usually have it before period, but my period just ended about two weeks ago, so it's not normal (however having this sympotom because of my heart disease, so having it is actually not normal in itself), and then the Chinese medicine Dr. suggested me to not drink cold drink, and better not eat fruits at night, but i don't drink cold drink as you know, and then i thought at current room temperature the drink including water are cold to me [允悲], so, that's it~
and my stomach has been having a lightly stomachache after dinner..
i didn't eat so many, actually i ate less rice than yesterday, just i added more onion, like yesterday i added 1/4 of onion and today i added by 3/4 of onion~
but still i got warm and full and satisfied~

and i did meditation for about 40 minutes today, just my feet were freezing cold again and that's kinda distracting, however i did notice that it doesn't matter what thoughts running in my head at first when i start to meditate, after a while, they would calm down and then i reach a higher vibrational frequency, i am feeling pure joyous, so relaxed and light-hearted~
i like it~
hahahah [哈哈][爱你]

so far?
then stay warm there, good night and love~

btw this morning before i started to sweat, i actually felt freezing cold at first, just like what it usually happened previously, shivering from cold, sweating badly, and then shivering from cold again cold, repeatedly.
today it's cold like the snow is melting.
and i still have those symptoms including heart palpitations, premature heartbeat and tingling pain, and i think premature heartbeat might happen more on me than the other two, just i used to mistake it as heart palpitations?

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