学生时代的我一整个青春都给了它,那时候签名、空间、聊天记录都存有好多自己的黑历史,有些人说无法接受自己的不完美,但每一个阶段都有每一个阶段的意义,我奉劝你不要删,不然你真的会后悔,答应我锁起来就好,其实有这种回忆真的挺好的,尴尬也是一种回忆,等你到以后老了想回头看看都没有可以回忆的凭据,那才是真的难受,我现在很怀念小学初中时的懵懂天真 #仍有5亿人坚持用QQ#

Student days I a whole youth have given it, when the signature, space, chat records have a lot of their own black history, some people say can not accept their imperfections, but each stage has the meaning of each stage, I advise you not to delete, otherwise you will really regret, promise me to lock it up, in fact, this kind of memory is really good, Embarrassment is also a kind of memory, when you get old and want to look back and have no evidence to recall, that is really uncomfortable, I now miss the ignorant innocence of primary and junior high school # There are still 500 million people insist on using QQ#

#温拿乐队[超话]# 分享一段2023.12.17温拿巡演新加坡第二场的concert review,原文比较长还附有几张现场照片https://t.cn/A6YeGFBy

贴一段报道中对于五位的solo part的描述:
Quiet bassist Yip, who largely spoke through his instrument, memorably rocked a solo segment which lasted almost two minutes.

Hard-working drummer Chan at times pulled double duty by singing while playing his drum set. No slouch in the vocals department, he also performed a reflective, pensive cover of Zhao Zhao’s When You Are Old.

Goofy guitarist Pang was happy to play backup, but also game to grab the microphone. He cheerily sang a few numbers, including Nameless Song, released by Hong Kong pop group Beyond in the 1980s. (无名的歌)

Veteran singer-actor Tam, nicknamed “Principal Tam” by the Hong Kong music industry as a show of respect, treated audiences to his personal repertoire, such as the finely crafted Inexplicable Tears and the tender To The One I Love, in his resonant voice. (莫名的泪、最爱的你)

Bee, with his leading-man looks, delivered the ballad Willingly in his signature husky voice, as well as a Cantonese and Mandarin version of The Sea. In addition, his 19-year-old daughter Blythe also appeared as a guest singer, crooning Taiwanese diva A-mei’s Cutting Love on her own and performing British rock band Queen’s challenging Bohemian Rhapsody with Bee. Judging from her spirited showing, a bright future lies ahead of her. (只要你过得比我好、大海、剪爱)

Evergreen favourites
The Wynners took many down memory lane with their Cantonese hits, including This Song and Unchanged For A Thousand Years, which were accompanied by the band’s old music videos and photographs that featured the members sporting the voluminous hairstyles and wide-legged pants popular in the 1970s.

Many of the clips were grainy, and some were even in black and white. At times, it was hard to identify who was who, but all five were sporting enough to recreate a pose from one of their snapshots.

Although fashion trends have come and gone, it is heartening to know that some things, such as their affection for one another, have stood the test of time.


杨绛先生曾说: "不结婚,晚年没伴;结了婚,不一定活到晚年。不拼命工作,没钱养老;太拼命工作有可能用不着养老。有些路不走,不甘心;走了,一身伤。人生就是这样,无论怎么选,都会有遗憾,无论你怎么精心策划,都抵不过命运的安排。"... 全文

Mr. Yang Jiang once said, "If you don't get married, you won't have a partner in old age; Married people don't necessarily live to old age. Don't work hard, have no money for retirement; Work too hard and you may not need to retire. Some roads do not go, not willing; Gone. Bruised all over. Life is like this, no matter how you choose, there will be regrets, no matter how carefully you plan, can not resist the arrangement of fate." ... Full text

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