Heartbreak has inspired thousands of songs, books and films, and, however much we try to avoid it, is something we are all likely to experience at some point in our lives.
But what exactly is heartbreak, and how does it affect us? Heartbreak often occurs after a breakup, bereavement or the loss of a family member or friend.
When this happens, we experience grief, which heartbreak is a form of. And it doesn't just have emotional effects –it affects us physically too. The word 'heartbreak' comes from the physical response to loss, described as feeling like someone is 'physically squeezing the heart', though our hearts don't experience any real damage.
Psychologist Guy Winch said that, although we tend to feel pain viscerally, the pain of heartbreak actually comes from the brain, and is a by-product of love.
The emotional pain may be understandable, but why do we experience such physical pain? According to Florence Williams, author of Heartbreak: A Personal and Scientific Journey, when you connect with someone on an intimate level, your bodies can actually sync up.
Cortisol levels and respiration rates can align, and heartbeats might regulate during sleep. When that partner is no longer there, our body reacts negatively to this change, causing us pain.
The reason for this is evolutionary, Williams says. The nervous system acts as though it is under threat because, as social animals, we feel far more comfortable and safer with others than when alone. Therefore, the symptoms of heartbreak are a perfectly natural response, however hard they may be to cope with.
So, if you have a broken heart, what can you do? Healthline suggests you should take time to grieve, reconnect with yourself, and surround yourself with supportive friends.

1. 他不懂是非。He doesn’t know right from wrong.
2. 和孩子们打交道他很有一套。He has a way with children.
3. 如果我抽签赢了,算数吗?Will it count if I draw the winning lot?
4. 玛丽的发言很不得体。Mary’s speech was out of place.
5. 请听我说完。Please hear me out.


Former President’s motorcade has arrived at New York criminal court ahead of a pre-trial hearing in his hush money criminal case.
The hearing at 10 a.m. ET is to discuss discovery issues that led to the delay of Trump’s New York criminal trial until at least April. Trump's lawyers have asked to further delay or dismiss the case.
Another looming legal threat: The hearing also comes on the same day he is staring down a deadline to secure a bond while he appeals Judge Arthur Engoron’s $464 million civil fraud decision against him, his adult sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and the Trump Organization. Trump has until Monday to post bond.
If he can’t somehow find the money by Monday, the New York attorney general may begin the process of seizing some of Trump’s assets to finance his obligation to the state. Trump has appealed the ruling.

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