It’s officially been 10 years since the release of Winter Soldier and the beginning of our time at Marvel. How time flies…

And here’s some old notes we found describing how we shot most of the handheld action in Winter Soldier:

50mm and 75mm work best with a 45 degree shutter. 75 allows you to track very specific moments. Knife catch, etc. You can chase your characters in close ups with the 75, and highlight emotional beats. Requires a steadier hand. The 50 is the workhorse though. It gets you the action with a visceral, kinetic energy. But the eye has an easier time following it than the 75. Anything over 75 mm on a 45 degree shutter is incoherent. 40 mm is best if you want to include both actors in the same frame.




He draws a boat, that sails through the bamboo ware workshop Dad and brother work, he draws a sea, there is a bird island full of flowers, and on the beach the big dragon is chasing the running sunflowers.

"Pursuing my master's in marketing at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School was one of the best decisions I have made. Our program is focused on understanding and meeting customer needs, advanced data analytics, and marketing strategies for a digital world. I chose Carey for its academic rigor, focus on experiential learning, and to be surrounded by professors and other professionals who want to make a difference. Carey also believes strongly in the value of teamwork, and students are provided with a wealth of opportunities to collaborate and solve problems.

As a part-time student, I love the flexibility of my program, which allows me to adjust my schedule to fit my life. From day one, I have been able to apply the lessons and skills I learned in class directly to my work.

Johns Hopkins is a recognized incubator for training leaders who push their industry and the world forward. I look forward to continuing my journey here at Carey and developing the skills to #BuildForWhatsNext.- Jasper Cannon (Part-Time MS '25, Marketing)

Why did you choose Carey? Let us know in the comments! #JHUCareyBound

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