Lyke as a ship that through the ocean wyde
By conduct of some star doth make her way, Whenas a storme hath did her trusty guyde,
Out of her course doth wander far astray.
So I whose star, that wont with her bright ray, Me to direct, with cloudes is overcast,
Doe wander now in darkness and dismay, Through hidden perils round about me plast.
Yet hope I well, that when this storm is past
My Helice, the lodestar of my lyfe
Will shine again, and looke on me at last,
With lovely light to cleare my cloudy grief.
Till then I wander carefull comfortlesse,
In secret sorrow and sad pensivenesse.







文章中还有一个小的语法点:on first hearing/seem/appear/Looke/at first sight/sound/at first glance 都具有铺垫,让步的性质

The return of sea otters to Southeast Alaska over the past 50 years, a project funded by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, has been a conservation success story. Erin Foster, a Nearshore Ecology PhD from Hakai Institute, suggests that sea otter restoration can enhance the genetic diversity of their habitat.
Sea otters reside in coastal habitats, including eelgrass fields, where they feed on rock crabs.often creating foraging pits inh grass. Fster looke at the impact of this activity on eelgrass genetic diversity by comparing eelgrass ecosystems with no otters (pre-disturbance)to those where otters had been reintroduced (post-disturbance). It was found that genetic diversity was higher in the areas with otters. Foster argues that genetic richness is of central importance here because it is crucial to resilience (恢复力) and the evolution of clonal organisms.Why? The primary mode of expansion for eelgrass is clonal growth, but sea otter digging stimulates sexual reproduction in the flowering plant and opens up areas for the seeds to settle.Even though disturbance enhances the diversity and dynamics of many of the world's ecosystems, its influence on genetic diversity remains poorly appreciated. The amount of disturbance that was observed in the eelgrass fields was relatively low: about 5% of the seafloor had foraging pits, although the pits last only for a short time, and visual observations likely underestimate the amount of activity. The disturbance theory, presented in 1978 on the basis of evidence from tropical forests and coral reefs, is well known to ecologists. Early studies showed that disturbance could increase species diversity, but researches on the effects of disturbance on genetic diversity are relatively rare.
The role of sea otters in eelgrass fields provides insights into how genetic diversity can change when species interactions are lost - and how these patterns can be restored. Without sea otters, genetic diversity appears to decline; when they return, so does diversity. Sea otters were extirpated from much of their range during intense commercial harvests in the 18th and 19th centuries. As their range expanded in the 1960s and 1970s after the disturbance, and their habitats became better understood, sea otters became symbolic species in ecology.

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