泡菜国的镜头语言流畅且完美是真的,然鹅…剧情又疯又颠也是真的[允悲],从客串出现大K他老爹开始我就严重怀疑朴智恩编剧绝对看过《The Vampire Diaries》,甚至看的时候我自己都会反复想起从初一坚持到大二追《The Vampire Diaries》时看各色碳基生物串种+cp大乱炖+一言不合掏心挖肾+疯婆颠公举刀乱捅+花样out又复活的一系列混乱。到了结局女主变成angle去接男主,我开始肯定,导演和编剧绝对都看过《The Vampire Diaries》[并不简单]。
结局脑补了下加上《The Vampire Diaries》风格的白贤佑&洪海仁旁白:
Hynue:After my daughter was born,I came back to German with Haein again.It felt right. It’s where I wanted to grow old,and I did.And it’s my life,weird,messy,complicated,sad,wonderful,-amazing and above all,epic.
Haein:When I knew I didn't have much time, I met Hynue again,he brought me back to life.And I’m going to live it as best I can,for as long as I can.
Even after our long and happy life together,Hynue is worried he’ll never see me again,that he’ll never find peace.But I know he’s wrong.Because peace exists.It lives everything we hold dear.That is the promise of peace.That one day,after a long life, we find each other again.
P.S. 《眼泪女王》的导演成功让我对婚戒从尚美巴黎转坑到宝格丽,也成功让我把对甲壳虫的喜欢(从前喜欢没法买,现在有钱买了却停产了)转移到了大G,怎么办,偶兜kei~好喜欢奔驰AMG,唉,我好好努力

baby I bought a new vpn to see your updates more smoothly and quickly Otherwise, like today's live broadcast, I have been stuck.I don't have much time to see yoko.I'm so sad,but I bought a new one! It works well! Baby, I can see you today. I'm very happy. I love you❤️
Today is so cute@Yoko_apasra

Chico wanted to introduce me to one of his favourite xiao long bao restaurants so I broke the rule of never eat before the live! The best meal of the trip, once again Chico is the most outstanding citizen of Shanghai [哇]

Just the presence of JP groups in the lineup seems to add so much excitement in the crowd. Jiemei seems extremely popular among chinese ota and they delivered, generally they are not my style but I really like a select few songs. Magmaz is just non-stop hype and I love it!!! I didn't know the members but Haluka drew me in with such strong stage presence. Loved to see 7S back on the big stage again too.

I made sure to get an Aussie ota expedition photo with brother Xi on our last day together [酷][爱你]

I decided to pack nice clothes for the trip and when I saw that 7S cheki was private clothes I took the opportunity. Once Qiako stepped back onto the stage for the live photo I knew I had made a great decision

I feel like I wasted the opportunity a bit as all black doesn't show well and I'm no good at posing. I wanted some candid chekis for the first time but I think I turned out looking more sad instead maybe ahahahah?

I think I don't feel comfortable trying to do this kind of pose intentionally and it's better to focus on taking happy chekis and letting these kinds come about naturally. Many things to improve for next time but I wonder if there will ever be an opportunity to take such nice chekis again [可怜]

I also got group cheki and was happy to see the other members again. I actually bought tokens for every member but never got time to use them [悲伤][伤心]

While in line I took a photo with my strongest gachi rival [并不简单] I've always been intimidated by their ability to treat Qiako so wonderfully, but after talking and seeing them play I'm happy that Qiako has such a great person in her idol life [握手][爱你]

After the live, ota brought me to yakiniku downstairs. When I got there it turned out the entire restaurant was just ota [晕] I felt tired and was not so talkative, I think I even started drifting to sleep at the table [汗] All I remember was karasu's crazy two steps and managing to buy the ultima final live ticket for the next day (thankyou once again for your help [可怜])

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