Don't expect too much that someone will come and hold an umbrella to cover the rain and wind for you. Because, you will not know when they come and when they will go?

Therefore, you should learn how to hold an umbrella with a leisurely mind and freely walk on your journey.

And love and pamper yourself by: "Focus on investing in yourself - cultivate more knowledge every day." Learn how to nurture your Soul to look at life with gentle eyes and a heart. generous.

When you do this, at some point, the most suitable person will appear. They come just to love, cherish and accompany you on your future path ahead.

And if unfortunately you don't meet that person, it's okay. Because you are strong enough, confident enough to learn how to love - enhance your self-worth. If you know how to make yourself feel happy and full of happiness, whether it's sunny or raining sporadically is no longer important...
- drawn from the book "The inside of a child grows with pressure" -


Don't expect too much that someone will come and hold an umbrella to cover the rain and wind for you. Because, you will not know when they come and when they will go?

Therefore, you should learn how to hold an umbrella with a leisurely mind and freely walk on your journey.

And love and pamper yourself by: "Focus on investing in yourself - cultivate more knowledge every day." Learn how to nurture your Soul to look at life with gentle eyes and a heart. generous.

When you do this, at some point, the most suitable person will appear. They come just to love, cherish and accompany you on your future path ahead.

And if unfortunately you don't meet that person, it's okay. Because you are strong enough, confident enough to learn how to love - enhance your self-worth. If you know how to make yourself feel happy and full of happiness, whether it's sunny or raining sporadically is no longer important...
- drawn from the book "The inside of a child grows with pressure" -

Okay... this ending... *sigh*. It would have been much more satisfying if they had included just one more shot. I needed to see 南雅 meeting 周洛 at the end, or at least the series could have concluded with a shot of 南雅 looking happy or a two-shot of them together.

I can come to terms with their fate because I appreciate 林方路's line, '我赌他们的感情是真的,' and I also believe that the truth will ultimately liberate them. BUT, the presence of 青李 was unnecessary. The viewers deserved the emotional reward of seeing 周洛 and 南雅 together, and I understand why some feel shortchanged. It also does a disservice to 青李's character, as it left me feeling annoyed with her.

For a series that so thoroughly developed this relationship, with the incredibly talented 童瑶 and 张新成 portraying one of the most unforgettable on-screen relationships I've seen in a Chinese drama, the last episode disappointingly featured too little of them. It's remarkable how these actors managed to captivate us. Lesser actors might not have been able to make us care as deeply about these characters with the given narrative style and limited screen time


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