All of her dresses sweaters and cardigans, along with the seducing aurora glittering in her eyes. These are merely the things that I could precisely endure aside her elaborate Glock and Remington at the time with which are pointed at me by her. Fulfilled with not exactly the fear but satisfactory, I took a glance over the ultimate joy.
It was another day when I came into her on the street, on which she told me that a "client" is to be taken care of tonight. I stared at the pair of eyes of which my girl of dream, and stood no hesitation from the very bottom of my mind when the stunning plan plainly flow over her lips. "Contract of secrecy may play, in this case...", she hesitated implicitly though after hearing my acknowledgement, "honestly this is really a big ask for you Bauer..."

"I may have to take care of you too when things are properly done." She stated the words with precise choice of tone, making this confirmation the most orthodox as she could manage.

"The honor is mine." I pledged.

At the time when she eventually showed up in the living room of my house, I just have struggled my best for a full table of dishes. Dressed in a grey skirt and school-girls' shirt, she was holding a package that seemed to heavy a bit. Her Glock is hanging aside her whip, inside a beautiful holster. I could barely recall the happiness and joy that I've been through during that phenomenal feast. Pure joy and satisfactory took the place of detailed memories and leaving nothing but abstract concepts. "She." "Beauty" "Almightiness and elegance." These are the symbols that I've grabbed from the tree of memorandum, preciously kept in my last glitch of clear mind.

We had a toast. "Never count this one on the debt if some day you have to encounter trail for the ehhhhh...." I was recalling the term. "Dooms day." She completed that for me. "Yes. Please do remember my dear. It is my glory and with complete willingness for me to die under your guns."

"Never fill guilty to kill me. " I smiled.

She pulled out here Glock while I was holding a glass of wine and kneeled towards bedroom's wall. She attached a suppressor onto her pistol, aiming directly at my upper neck afterwards. "I shall decorate the wall for you with whatever is there inside your brain." She mocked. "The glory is shared with the wall too then." I answered followed by a deep breath. I heard that she took a step back a little bit, and lifted up the gun slightly, with a pulling of trigger right after.

Thing goes really quick. She shot me right at the back of my head, and the bullet went through my brain split out from my forehead along with blood and tissues. Before the eon slide escaped from my view, I fell onto the ground and stared at her shining shoes and silk socks. I didn't even know that by the time she fired, I was already a dead body. She gently step on the chest of me to see if I was properly killed, though my consciousness indeed haven't vanish completely yet, this move is actually unnecessary. No one will ever survive that shot of her.

During my last time in which my mind falls into the limbo of life and death, I saw a glitch of unhappiness and pity on her face.

"She cared about me though. Far more than enough." I talked to myself implicitly and silently.




Round 3 雨林






Round 3 雨林



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