
nice weather and really hot.

got up earlier to have lunch with family.
i took a painkiller before going out, have a slightly headache but fine.

so full that i might not eat my dinner~

i was ready to fall asleep around 1:50 am? woke up around 6 am this morning?
and then tried to catch a little more sleep.

and saw signs, including "TY-7216", "HT", "2112", "2221", "7275", "0323", "1159", "7721", "9772", "1127", "TT", "7173", "7172", "2228", "2727", "7115", "7177", "1717", "4125", "9623", and so on.

so far?
then good afternoon everyone~~~~~~


the weather is really nice today~

i didnt sleep much nor well last night, after ready to fall asleep around 1:21 am and woke up at midnight to the bathroom, and then i checked the time it's 3:17 am, so i tried to keep sleeping, and then woke up again in the morning, and the time might be 7:13 am?
i kept trying to get more sleep, but couldn't do it well.

after my lunch i drank a little green tea, and a little mint tea, just i didnt take a picture for the latter one.

i diy to straighten my hair last night.
i purchased the product online and i read comments, feedbacks are good, and i asked for a favor to mother to apply the cream on my hairs because i cant do it evenly myself, and it works~

and i just washed my white shoes which were made of cloth and easy to become yellow, so i have to wash them often..

I've thrown away quite some white t-shirt and white shoes, because it's hard to keep them white and clean, and i am still trying to find the best way to make it, because i still love thar color.

btw i also washed a white canvas bag, because its own handles dyed the bag and I had to keep them apart or the bag got stained, after washing it twice i finally decided to wrap the handle up with preservative film and it helps~
because i got tired and if it didnt work, i am not fixing it today..

so far?
then good afternoon everyone, stay cool and be careful of the heat~
또 보자~~~~~~



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