MOOG导电滑环 旋转滑环 电机滑环
Through Bore Slip Ring AC6200−6P/24S

Through Bore Slip Ring AC6200−12P/24S

SRA-73683* 1/2 inch 1.38 x 1.07 - 1.97
(35.05 x 27.17 - 50.03) 6, 12, 18, 24 2 amps 210 250 rpm
SRA-73830* 1/2 inch 1.38 x 1.07 - 1.97
(35.05 x 27.17 - 50.03) 2 to 22 2, 8 amps 210 / 240 250 rpm
AC6438 1/2 inch 2.1 x 1.75 - 3.4
(53.60 x 44.45 - 86.36) 6, 12, 18, 24 5 amps 240 250 rpm
AC6349 1 inch 3.07 x 2.9 - 6.5
(78.0 x 73.7 - 165.1) 6, 12, 18, 24 15 amps 440 250 rpm
AC4598 1 1/2 inch 3.9 x 2.13 - 4.94
(100 x 54.10 - 125.48) 6, 12, 18, 24 10 amps 600 250 rpm
AC6200 1 1/2 inch 3.9 x 2.13 - 4.94
(100 x 54.10 - 125.5) 12, 24, 36, 48 2 amps 220 250 rpm
AC6815 1 1/2 inch 4.32 x 3.01 - 5.94
(109.7 x 76.45 - 150.8) Up to 128 2, 3.5, 10 amps 60, 110, 220 250 rpm
AC6428 1 3/8 inch 3.9 x 6.60 - 9.34
(99.06 x 167.6 - 237.2) 60, 72, 84, 96 2 amps 220 250 rpm
AC6429 1 3/8 inch 3.9 x 7.5
(99.06 x 190.5)
48 @ 2 amp Plus 6
or 12 @ 10 amp 2, 10 amps 220, 2 amp,
600, 10 amp 250 rpm
AC6275 2 3/4 inch 6.63 x 6.6 - 20.5
(168.40 x 167.64 - 520.7)
5, 10, 30, 50
250 for 5 amps,
600 for 10, 30,
50 amps
1,000 rpm
AC6098 4 inch 8.0 x 4.6 - 14.4
(203.2 x 116.84 - 365.76)
Configurations 10, 30, 50 amps 600 250 rpm
联系我们 :上海宛畅实业有限公司 021-37824198*8006 17740803693(微信同号)19916766593(微信同号) ​​​

-- ?

Fox 2s (IR guided missiles) are meant for dogfights. They have limited range and come with the capability of being launched at high off bore sight with the help of Helmet mounted systems.

Today's aircraft have advanced flares which can mimicry the temperatures of aircraft engine in order to fool much smarter missiles along with the use of directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) which shines a laser on the IR seeker head to scram the IR guidance.

But there are three effective strategies used during dogfights to lessen the effectiveness of IR guided missiles:

Jamming the WEZ: Weapon Engagement Zone (WEZ) is the distance between the minimum and the maximum range where a weapon can be effectively deployed. If the distance can be closed so much so that the aircraft is far inside the minimum range of launch (min ranging), a launch would be useless as it is inside the minimum range of firing.

Smaller Turn radius (One Circle): One Circle is a nose to nose fight where both the aircraft try to get into the control zone of each other. Pulling a tighter smaller turn radius than that of the bandit in this situation gives an offensive advantage of getting a weapons solution faster while defensively denies the bandit a weapons solution as the nose hasn't come around fast enough.

Make the Sun your best friend: Sun is a far better IR source than your engine. If you manage to keep your back to the Sun, high probability is that the missile won't have a track.

All these have to be done while keeping in mind that the separation between two aircraft should be kept at a minimum, making sure that you are out of the enemy's nose (to avoid a gun solution) in combination with jinking and anticipatory pre launch of flares.

LaLaport 東京灣有前兩年的演出服展示,翻了幾個角度的照片可以看到內森22年衣服上的quotes&文字,滿足我當時小小好奇心:[单身狗]
"I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise I won't bore you"
"i won't be a rockstar I will be a legend"
"I am nobody"
"Music is the answer"
"Fire in the soul"
Shoma 袖子上的是:
"Try and fail but never fail to try"

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