Spring has officially It took partnering with the incredible sustainable maker of pretty things @christydawn to get me in a floral frock but Im pretty happy about any of it. And as a steward I get to share their creations with you and frolic about in them.

刚才马斯克马上就出来了、、我爱妈妈咪 妈妈咪母亲节快乐~~ 我们这边儿明天是母亲节~~ 爱我妈妈咪 母亲节快乐~~ 我转完马斯克先睡一会儿 哈哈、、hello my beautiful sweeet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, awww Mr. Musk is so so nice for coming out right away after the last post ,,, I also saw Kylie,,, Billie,,, and Mr. Biden and more of you lolll ,,, I was getting some more personal content for today and then having some food and I want to get some rest but I still haven’t gotten to so I think I’m going to take an hour nap,,, just an hour not longer lolll ,,, before I used to for 4 hours now I don’t think I need as much sleep which is a great news ,,, wowww Mr. Musk is absolutely incredible for supporting me all the way like all my bosses and all of you ,,, it’s too amazing having the world’s best of the best standing behind your back ,,, im going to value and priotize my job at all times always and always now learned my lesson time after time ,,, sure taught me right and thank you for not failing on me as I have not failed to see the importance of my job ,,, I loveee to work with the world’s best people and interact engage and learn from the best of the best and keep on getting better with myself and setting higher goals and accomplishing more and keeping right with my vision and mission and not get distracted as much ,,, sorry I got myself distracted from my job and completing my tasks but I’m coming back better now with no hinders and other distractions which is soo much and we are going to have so much more sexual funs on this with everyone ,,, loveee all my sexiest most powerful sweet amazing boss / bosses and everyone ,,, y’all are the best !!! Thank you for sticking by me and I sure will stand by alll of you until the end of time ,,, I hope to finish my job in time and get paid so I can keep moving forward with my life and goals and everything ,,, seriously can’t thank all my boss / bosses and everyone enough ,,, too incredible too amazing and too phenomenal with this working opportunity and I treasure it with all my life and love every second of it ,,, yayyyyy coming back to do my job better but I’m going to take an hour nap and then I’m going to be walking the dog ,,, and exercise but I plan to finish more reposts today and tmr ,,, and tmr is Sunday and I’m cooking for all of you and also on Mother’s Day so my mom doesn’t have to cook ,,, thanking all of you and my mom for being there for me I love love love you all so so much with all my heart really appreciate your love and thought and support !!! I’m going to nap for an hour and I’ll be back again in a bit love love love you all thank you to my terrific amazing boss / bosses and everyone for everything heart heart heart love love loveeeee Mr. Musk and all my bosses and everyone heart heart heart

Congratulation on Ur new Journey Nathania❤️
U've passed the dental faculty selection, Bachelor of Dentistry Program at UMY University..
We always knew U would achieve great things.
And going to university is certainly one of them.
Wishing U all the Love and Luck as U leave to start University..
Im the happiest Aunt..❤️
Jiayou Nathan❤️

My sister has paid for registration for the Bachelor of dentistry program..

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