You will feel that tears slide down the guitar strings. The music can speak, and you don't even have to read the lyrics carefully but just imagine that you are floating in the melodies you would find yourself in a soft place with purified souls that could be healed as well .

When you waste time to the entangle with the enemies surrounded by the excitement of resentment and this kind of well frog's opinion makes you lose your judgment on the truth, which I is also like a shadow throwing into the night as if you have kept waiting for a boat at the airport while you eventually got nothing at all . For me, when listening to the piece of song , it feels that tortures yourself as a sign of vigilance
, which means less even t his doesn't help at all as we all know that the reality could be cooked and what we see and what se believe perfectly were faked sometimes that’s why seeing is not always believing. What’s more, because when fate passes in front of the door which was closed for so long then you would feel the sense of security is not enough, which means power of music and power is power which some certain forces are . No need to feel better but it’s too much necessary for some kinds of people like me not to feel worse . Thanks to all of the great music that has supported me to face the fate song the burdened roads with darkness as well as brilliance in life. Perhaps most of you would say I’m too sick and too weak , however, I believe that feelings the songs bring to me would never tell a lie .

When the right one walks out of the door,
Can you see your days blighted by darkness?

Well, I searched online and found this one : In 3 minutes and 5 seconds, there was a boxing commentary "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner, by a knockout. And in the official cover of the album, a boxing glove is printed next to the lyrics, in which I think it matches the end of the song, U know u just can’t win . It sounds a little ironic and empathetic but cruelly true.

Philosophical lyrics are accompanied by native instrumental music to bring pure humanistic care. Art and philosophy are lengthened into beautiful lines, intertwining a warm atmosphere with vivid emotional colors which is called martyring yourself in the lines , matters so much , it seems to sound silent but speaks so loud ; and when you fall into the dark quagmire of hatred, the unspeakable emotion finally turns into the idea of abandoning the past, and it is a victory to stand up again. You can tell that from the lyrics, so I would rather say, appreciating art or reading books is like a creator ejecting a beam of light on you, which reflects different colors on the triangulation mirror. And everyone's cognition is like different light refracting into different colors, because each of us has its own experience memory, so that different opinions can emerge, but we should respect everyone's preferences. Whether we refute each other or not, it proves the meaning of art. We express ourselves and it’s all because we have been experiencing differently in different parts of difficulties that could not killed us. And this is why I was shaken by the song and posted it here.


Oh, poor little thing. The pain was so intense that he fainted instantly without even having time to realize what had happened.
However, the scene did not go unnoticed.
Right near the tree, there was the farmhouse of a farmer, and leaning out of the window of his little room, Luke, a seven-year-old boy, had seen everything.
He rushed down the stairs and quickly went to help him.
As soon as he approached and saw him with his little eyes closed and a wing in that strange and disheveled position, he feared the worst.
"Dad! Mom!!! Quickly, come, come and see!!!" he shouted.
"Luke, I'm in the kitchen, what's going on?" his mother replied, only partially grasping the urgency of her son.
Not so George, his dad, who instead ran outside alarmed.
"Hurry, Dad, come and see! Look..."
Luke, on the verge of tears, showed him the little sparrow he was holding delicately in his hands.
"Is... is it dead?" he then asked, fearing the worst.
Silver Wings, who had meanwhile regained consciousness and kept his eyes closed out of fear, was breathing so faintly that it was hardly noticeable, but Luke's dad, bringing the little body close to his ear, noticed the tiny heart beating and the broken wing.
"So, Dad?"
"No, Luke, he's not dead. But we need to take care of him. He has a broken wing."
George looked up at the tree.
"He's still small. He must have leaned too far from the nest, see?" he said, indicating a pile of expertly woven twigs inside the hollow of a large branch.
"Then his mom will look for him..."
"Of course, that's why we'll keep him with us only until he's healed and back in shape. As soon as he's better, we'll put him back in his home."
"And what if, in the meantime, his family changes nests?" Luke asked worriedly.
His dad smiled.
"Don't worry, it won't happen. No parent leaves their home until all the children have returned."
The child nodded vigorously and, now reassured and confident, followed his dad inside the house, who was holding his new friend in his hands. (... To be continued...)


“If I die while I’m dating someone, don’t tell them ‘oh he would have liked you to move on’. NO I WOULD NOT. I’m gonna haunt you just for saying that. I want them to get a ouija board so that we can text. This is a long distance relationship now, 6 feet actually, depending on how you look at it.”

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