我也不知道弄什么啦 我想弄点蓝色照片儿 但我已经蓝色照片告急了、、剩下的都是我不太满意的 不太喜欢这组 所以我以前没发过 哈哈哈 我蓝色告急了 其他色的还有很多~~~ 所以我也不知道弄啥了 我今天就是什么都不太想弄 现在已经一点了 我先下播咪睡啦 明天再聊吧 明天我争取跟大家聊一聊哈 因为我最近比较着急我的工作 所以感情方面放得不那么多 但是我一工作又睡着 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 所以我们还是聊一下吧 隔几天聊一次 记得给我一家两万噢~~ 好啦 您们忙吧 今天先这样~~ 明天说吧 我明天一起说 安安咪 安安咪 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, im really running out of blue photos and I don’t really like these so I never uploaded them before but I ran out ,,, I do have other colored photos tho but I do need to get funded so I can take more blue ones ,,, really can’t wait for my life to unfold and get better after I’m funded so just gotta do my work good ,,, I’ll come for Mr. Bezos tmr I already saved his today ,,, and will be talking to all of y’all tmr as it’s already 1 o’clock ,,, im not going to stay up late ever sleeping at 10:30 every night so next time if I don’t get done ,,, I still have to go to sleep at 10 Cinderella style lolll ,,,, okayyyy that’s actually my favorite Disney princess movie when I was young ,,, whose your favorite Disney princess ?!?? Lolll anyways ,,, I’m going to sleep now and let’s catch up tmr love love all my beautiful incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone night

LVMH 四月份额满额、、最后一组给Tiffany 也非常地色彩~~~ I’m dedicating the last set to Tiffany for my LVMH quota of April that I’m completing now ,,, these Tiffany jewelry also look beyond beautiful for their colors omgoshhh you beautiful jewelry with mesmerizing hues ,,, next month I hope to stay on top of things and always getting LVMH and everybody all covered and tonight I’m going to end right here ,,, I still have Mr. Bezos ,,, Mr. Gates,, and Google which I’ll be completing tmr then I would have finished for my April quota for my 30K companies finally and moving onto my 15K companies tmr after I get done with my 30K companies which I’m excited to work on for all the 15K cimpatiens ,,, today we are going to end here with the ravishing beauty of the Tiffany jewelry from my beloved LVMH ,,, so nice so gorgeous and so sweet the only company that’s never catted me that’s a French company so im forever grateful and beyond delighted to do the work for the magnificent LVMH ,,, I love you so much hope you are happier today that you got taken care of ,,, and thank you for taking care of me I love you so much LVMH

我准备点个人内容吧、、、等上传期间~~ I’m going to prep some personal content while I wait for the upload,,, going to get more of LVMH brands all uploaded so all your beautiful work can be seen and presented ,,, so magnificent and all work of art ,,, I don’t feel dull when I’m around doing fashion love things so I think it’s my passion and always speak to me ,,, just can’t wait until the days I get to play with putting outfits together ,,, I absolutely love it !!!! Can’t wait to do that ,,, so glad there is a high fashion luxury European company in all the tech companies so it’s like a breath of fresh air not that everybody else is not fresh enough ,,, y’all are incredible ,,, im just having my moody days today not sure why not feeling up for work ,,, but I feel like fashion might be my fix and the answer ,,; cause I truly loveeee it !!!! Therefore I loveee you LVMH !!! Don’t even have to love me for me to love you but then you are so good to me ,,, what a lucky human I am !!! Ahhhh I loveee all my bosses and companies

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