Every persistence is the accumulation of success. As long as you believe in yourself, there will always be surprises. Every life has its own track. Remember to affirm yourself without giving up. Every morning is the beginning of hope. Remember to encourage yourself and show the charm of self-confidence. In this world, no one is more fortunate than who, only who is more persistent, more persistent and harder. Believe that the harder you work, the luckier you will be! https://t.cn/R2WxCaU

每一种坚持都是成功的积累,要相信你自己,Always encounter surprisesEvery life has its own trajectory,Remember to affirm yourself,Don't give up lightlyEvery day is the beginning of hope,Remember to encourage yourself,Show the charm of confidence.The harder, the more fortunate————Good morning[Sun]?

DONNA FIOR是位于西班牙阿根廷的是住宅楼项目,项目从房地产开发、设计到销售由房地产公司 Azcuy全权负责,并将于2023年完工。作为该公司DONNA系列中的第五个项目,DONNA FIOR延续了该系列关爱环境、可持续发展的设计理念,同时兼具自身项目的独特魅力。
DONNA FIOR is a residential building project located in Spain and Argentina. The real estate company Azcuy is solely responsible for the development, design and sales of real estate. The project will be completed in 2023. As the fifth project in the company's DONNA series, DONNA FIOR continues the design concept of caring for the environment and sustainable development of the series, and at the same time has the unique charm of its own projects.

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