哇哇哇哇哇这块也太美了吧!!!!!!!BURBERRY MY BURBERRY BLUSH PALETTE,暖调中等深度的粉色,缎光妆效。T大评价很好,不显毛孔,反复晕染的话光泽感更强。金色部分只是表面一层,试色是把金色都扫掉以后的效果。嘤嘤嘤嘤好看要买!!
相似色有Hourglass Radiant Magenta (90%相似,更暖),Physicians Formula Natural(90%相似,更浅更暖),Chanel山茶花(90%相似,更浅)。#Blush#

In vivo electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry and applications in the brain

Molecular oxygen (O2) is essential to brain function and mechanisms necessary to regulate variations in delivery or utilization of O2 are crucial to support normal brain homeostasis, physiology and energy metabolism. Any imbalance in cerebral tissue partial pressure of O2 (pO2) levels may lead to pathophysiological complications including increased reactive O2 species generation leading to oxidative stress when tissue O2 level is too high or too low. Accordingly, the need for oximetry methods, which assess cerebral pO2 in vivo and in real time, is imperative to understand the role of O2 in various metabolic and disease states, including the effects of treatment and therapy options. In this review, we provide a brief overview of the common in vivo oximetry methodologies for measuring cerebral pO2 . We discuss the advantages and limitations of oximetry methodologies to measure cerebral pO2 in vivo followed by a more in-depth review of electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry spectroscopy and imaging using several examples of current electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry applications in the brain.
Keywords: oxygen; oximetry; cerebral partial pressure of oxygen; electron paramagnetic resonance; hypoxia
How to cite this article: Weaver JM, Liu KJ. In vivo electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry and applications in the brain. Med Gas Res 2017;7:56-67

Movie scripts: A beautiful mind 美丽心灵
(Nash's acceptance speech.)
I've always believed in numbers, in the equations and logics that lead to reason.
But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, "What truly is logic? Who decides reason?"
My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional-- and back.
And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.
I'm only here tonight because of you (his wife, Alicia). You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.
lead to sth. 导致,通往
physical (adj.) 物理的,身体的
metaphysical (adj.) 形而上学的问题/思辨
delusional (adj.) 妄想的

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