E03 P1- Perfect
How strange. It has a skin and flesh feel to it, but why does it feel like you grew it yourself?

I did try to grow it myself.

I’ve never made a mistake in my judgment of people. Your figure speaks of honesty and uprightness, you must be extraordinary.

美吗?Is it pretty?
完美。It’s perfect.

[Salute to the firefighting heroes]A building in Harbin collapsed on fire the day before yesterday,Five young firefighters died.They are flesh and blood like us,But all year round with fireworks, life and death,In times of crisis, he rushed forward without turning back,Protect our peace with life.Nowadays,Post Weibo for the fire hero,Remember the grace of life-saving,Bless peace and health[Heart]remember their names,Turn around and pay tribute in the name of life![蜡烛][蜡烛]?

Douk-Douk is the name of a character and an institution which play a big role in social life of the Melanesians of the archipelago of New Britain
In the eyes of these islanders,the Douk-Douk is a spirit endowed with supernatural qualities,while in reality he is a man in disguise,whose attire consists of a cylindrical bark mask surmounted by a pointed hat and a coat of palm leaves covering the body up to the knees
The man in charge of making the Douk-Douk is usually a confidant of the tribal chief and an affiliate of the secret society made up of other Douk-Douk and young people of the tribe who entered in return for the payment of a sum quite high
Douk-Douk is a kind of justice personified
Dressed in his costume which gives him a horrible air,he walks through shouting and screaming hamlets and villages,and all those who are not in his secret flee before him,terrified
He goes to the hut of the native against whom he has been lodged with a complaint,or who is suspected of a crime,and inflicts on him the punishment which can vary from a simple fine to the death penalty dare to resisit him,because sooner or later violent death will strike the one who raised his hand on the Douk-Douk
The members of the secret alliance of the Douk-Douk,who can be recognized by certain signs,hold meetings in places whose access is forbidden to laypersons on pain of death
Under the charmanship of the tribal chief,they devote themselves to singing,to the dances and to the hearty meals of which human flesh is often the dish of honor
They are also sorcerers and healers

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