Mr. Xiaokun
who is less than 3 years old
has had many dreams.This morning he shouted in confusion
Class. means he has his own teacher
To find teacher Tutu to go to class.He woke up yesterday morning and told me
There was also a fire upstairs
There was also a fire downstairs
I asked him if you were scared?He says
Then do poor outfits.He played with Miss Qiqi
Find when you can't see
Fight when playing together.晚上做梦
Is he stretched out?Mr. Xiaokun
who is less than 3 years old
has had many dreams.This morning he shouted in confusion
Class. means he has his own teacher
To find teacher Tutu to go to class.He woke up yesterday morning and told me
There was also a fire upstairs
There was also a fire downstairs
I asked him if you were scared?He says
Then do poor outfits.He played with Miss Qiqi
Find when you can't see
Fight when playing together.晚上做梦
He stretched his arms and hit me hard
Then cry
Or it's mine
This is mine~~ He likes to watch "Little Pig Peppa"
The kind that never gets tired of
I remember the names of many children inside
Can retell a story he likes
Sometimes people get bored
We have to call up other programs
He is always dissatisfied
I don't want this!晚上
This sentence will be repeated in my dreams.of course
There are also times of fun
But I can't guess why
Because he just laughed out loud
Then there is no more.

007 no time to die...
And Legendary007 least he lived a best life.met the women he love.have a lovely girl.
To enjoy the life.this day is all I for yourself.not anyone else.
Shitty people despite u.not because you are shitty.all the opposite.he is shit.and he saw everyone is shit through his shitty just let less.he dislike u.say mean things.let him ne.don't give a damn shit.just well I'm good.haty person hate things.leave them your life
Tks this still and lovely friend.who told me the right thing to live

6.25. The wine cup, said the Master, looks unlike a cup. Can it be called a cup? Can it be called a cup?

6.26. Zai Wo asked whether a good man, when told another man was fallen into a well, should go down after him. The Master said, “Why should he go down? A good man might be told to go near the well, but not to go into it. He might be deceived, but not befooled.”

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