
The reporter learned from the Organization Department of the Sanya Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 31 that, in order to further improve the talent services, Sanya has taken series of initiatives to provide efficient and high-quality government services for international talent, including opening the window for joint examination and inspection of international talent’s work and residence permits and streamlining the daily processing of professional title business, in a bid to provide a favorable public service environment for international talent.https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hcgtNLUcLX7_wbN9lkHcEA

【巴西警方与犯罪集团发生交火 25名嫌疑人被击毙】当地时间10月31日,在巴西东南部米纳斯吉拉斯州的瓦尔吉尼亚市,该州联邦警察、联邦公路警察和特种警察部队在一次联合行动中与犯罪集团成员发生2次激烈枪战,25名犯罪嫌疑人当场被击毙。警方在行动中缴获了十余支步枪、10辆被盗车辆、以及子弹、炸药、手榴弹和防弹背心。巴西联邦警察局表示,证据表明,这25名犯罪嫌疑人属于一个规模庞大的银行抢劫犯罪集团,并疑似参与了此前在巴西发生的3起大型银行劫案。At least 25 suspected bank robbers were killed in two clashes with Brazilian police, Minas Gerais authorities said on Sunday. The two incidents near the city of Varginha in Minas Gerais state were the result of a joint operation by Minas Gerais state police and federal highway police to take down a gang of bank robbers that had staged several brazen attacks in the region. The police seized large-caliber weapons, explosives and bulletproof vests during the operation.

【Ambassador Cheng Jingye Bids Farewell to All Walks of Life in Australia】
Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr Cheng Jingye has bid farewell to people from all walks of life in Australia, including political circle, business, academia, local governments, diplomatic missions and overseas Chinese community, through meetings, phone calls and correspondence in the past few days, before completing his tour of duty as Ambassador of China to Australia.

Ambassador Cheng extended his heartfelt gratitude for their support and assistance during his more than 5 years’ term, and expressed appreciation for their efforts and contributions to promoting China-Australia friendship and cooperation. Ambassador Cheng emphasized that a sound and stable China-Australia relations serves the fundamental interests of both countries and both peoples. The current difficult situation facing China-Australia relations is saddening. It is hoped that the Australian side will work in the same direction with the Chinese side, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to overcome the difficulties and make joint efforts to push the bilateral relations back to the right track as soon as possible.

Ambassador Cheng also thanked the overseas Chinese living in Australia for their efforts to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia, building a bridge of friendship between both peoples. It is hoped that the overseas Chinese in Australia will continue to be participants, builders and promoters of China-Australia relations and inject more positive energy into the bilateral relations.

People from all circles affirm the importance of Australia-China relations, look forward to the improvement of the bilateral relations and are committed to playing constructive roles in this regard. They also spoke highly of Ambassador Cheng's work during his tenure in Australia.

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