If you meet a girl who often loses temper to
you, please be sure to cherish her.

If one day she suddenly becomes sensible, shedoesn't bother or make trouble, and she doesn’t lose her temper.

That is, she is disappointed and ready to give up.The girl is angry with you. I just want you to pether. She won't wait until she leaves, and regrets not cherishing.

[Day 752] 10.25早读
You're not perfect. And let me save you the suspense, the girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other.
@TeacherGwen https://t.cn/z8cc4bT

[词汇] Forget 的用法。
Forget to do something 和 forget doing something 的区别。
1. Forget to do, 你想去做,但忘记做了。
forget +"to" mean that you were supposed to do something, but you didn't actually do it.
I forgot to feed the cat. He's really hungry.
I forget to call my wife. She's upset.
Forget doing
2. Forget doing 你做过某事,但忘记你做过了。
We use the verb forget followed by an -ing verb to means that you did do something, but you have no memory of it.
I had forgotten going to Paris until I saw the photos.
I had forgotten calling my wife until she reminded me.
(资讯来源BBC learning English)

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