
C: **&&*#&&?...You get paid but I am not... I am super late here, I need the cabin right!! now!!!!!!


C: Is it funny, ha?

ME: No!!! I am sorry.

C: 叽里呱啦叽里呱啦叽里呱啦叽里呱啦...

Huo Zun - Mammoth

Follow the pink crow
through the piranha in the jungle.
You will see her standing under the clouds,
Combing the most beautiful hair in the universe,
she is beautiful Mammoth
home in Colombia is not
whether her where to hide there is always a human
want to share her fur and ivory teeth
so she built a Ge can
pass through a time machine to the future of the world
guess there
a definite no more elephants grab something human We
followed the pink crow
through the jungle piranha
you'll see her standing under clouds
giving her the universe's most beautiful hair
She is beautiful Mammoth
home in Colombia is not
whether she hid where humans have always
wanted to possess her hair and ivory teeth
so she built a Ge can
pass through a time machine to the future of the world
guess there
a definite no longer have to grab the elephant something human right
so she built a Ge can
pass through a time machine to the future of the world
guess there
a definite no more elephants grab something human right
so she built a Ge can
pass through a time machine to the future of the world
guess the where
a given there will be no elephants grab something human right
Ha future
waiting for me to
blue sky empty
faint clear sea and
good looking
people there
A definite great love
nobody catch no strange trap
I can freely

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
向生活致谢 为给予我这所有美好
Me dio el corazón que agita su marco
Cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano
Cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo
Cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros

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  • 都知道报喜不报忧甚至故意编喜事骗自己是坏事,但有的网民就吃这套,那么自然有人投其所好……所以我发这种东西必然是有人不高兴的。 “咱老百姓难得高兴一下你非要泼冷
  • 让人见之难忘的神仙个性签名11.0 1. 世人可爱,世事可戏 2. 生活可以五颜六色,不可以乱七八糟 3. 让全世界变成果汁吧 4. 放弃不难,但坚持一
  • 漫画:跨越种族与你相恋 作者:柚樹ちひろ 章节:第5话 上一话: 参与人员: 图源:Azure 翻译:鸡腿 校对:裤头 嵌字:雷酱 监制:滴滴 嵌字:呜呜呜!
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