Bof 2017 Special Edition NO.10 (封面)
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tmrw vol.26 2018 (封面)
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NO.87 (封面)

All dusts went down as K2 settled 4years,142Ms deal with Los Angeles Clippers on 6th,Jul.
No.2 was considered as taking a ride on Lakers,and played’em like a fiddle as he sneak-signed with LA team that shares their building.He was also criticized by Lakersnation that kept them for using their caps for better free agents off the market.
He noticed Lakers to put off the AD’s tase on 6th,Jul-ddl of the NBA league’s CAP Day as a condition, no reasons.This proven to be a way of cutting-the-rivals and he,the last-mile-journey to the No.1 in the league,exactly pissed off the whole Lakers fans.
It was also said that Leonard was recruiting PG to find a way to Clippers and LA pulled it off tonight.No.2 and No.24 go to Staples center side by side,head-to-head with Lbj and AD.
“Go nut with the Kawhi.”
“Fuck No.2 “
“Now you see why Spurs call him No.2”
More to see on Twitter and Instagram,even with Fans of China,huge letdown of the entire LakerRealm.
However,Big hands will not head to Lakers,according to hypothesis of Meng.He the silent is craving for a way of proving himself,a kingdom to one his own sovereignty.It’s no wonder that KL2 select the LA with another way.
If you want it so bad,just go and get it.But remember do it in a straightforward way.No hesitations,no confusions,no deceiving and be like a man.
Do or don’t ,be like a man —-cited from the ancient Chinese sayings “行就行,不行就不行,爷们儿一点!” which also translated as Be it or not,just straightforward!

said Meng.
You should never playing with the silent guys,as they were likely to playing u around.Do Choose some open-minded and easygoing boys as your friends.

2017年4月,美军驻嘉手纳基地的 F-15(鹰)展示“大象漫步”(20架F-15,加上一些E-3预警机,KC-135空中加油机,HH-60直升机)
F-15 Eagles from the 67th Fighter Squadron perform an elephant walk during a no-notice readiness exercise April 12, 2017, at Kadena Air Base, Japan. The exercise demonstrated Team Kadena's ability to rapidly respond to and generate air combat power against a simulated attack on Okinawa. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman John Linzmeier)

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