Carpal tunnel syndrome
a painful condition of the hands, affects millions of individuals around the world. Numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain are caused by compression and trapping of the median nerve. The median nerve passes from the forearm into the hand underneath a band of connective tissue (tough, fibrous material that connects the bones of the hand) that runs across the end of the forearm where the arm meets the hand. That triangular space, formed by bones and connective tissue, is called the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel contains not only the median nerve but also several tendons. Performing repeated tasks, such as with typing, computer work, or mechanical activity, puts individuals at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Weight gain, water retention, pregnancy, and overuse of the hands all can cause or worsen carpal tunnel syndrome.

Signs and symptoms
Pain in the palm of the hand, especially near the thumb and first 2 fingers

Numbness and tingling often occur near the thumb and first 2 fingers.

Weakness, usually of the thenar eminence (muscles at the base of the thumb), may happen when carpal tunnel syndrome is severe.
Diagnosis and testing
A physician looks for risk factors, including repetitive tasks or behaviors, diabetes, hypothyroidism, arthritis, or previous injury, as well as a pattern of pain or weakness. Tinel sign, tingling or a shock-like sensation when tapping on top of the median nerve, indicates that carpal tunnel syndrome is likely. Nerve conduction studies may be performed to evaluate median nerve function.

Anti-inflammatory medications, including some that are available over the counter, help ease the pain and swelling of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Braces or splints may be prescribed by your doctor, including for wear at night.

Occupational therapy can be useful.

Changing repetitive tasks or behavior patterns may be necessary to improve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel release (CTR) is a simple operation to open up the band of connective tissue that traps the median nerve.

Testicular self-examinations are best performed in the shower and are the most common way testicular masses are found.
If you feel something different than usual or you are concerned, see your doctor. There are many reasons for testicles to swell, hurt, or have changes on or around them. Some of these may be from benign (noncancerous) causes such as hydrocele (fluid around the testicle), varicocele(dilated veins around the testicle), or a cyst, while other reasons may be more worrisome.

Arm wrestling contests have become a common pub and even professional sport. Arm wrestling should not be considered a totally benign sport. Although arm-wrestling injuries are not common, several have been reported in the medical literature. A fracture of the humerus due to arm wrestling was first reported in 1975 but hasn’t been reported since 2000.
Several cases of fractures of the medial epicondyle and the humeral shaft sustained during arm wrestling were described. Nevertheless, spiral fractures of the humerus from arm wrestling are rare and may be confused with pathologic frac- tures. In this case, spiral fracture of the humerus with large free fragments which had occurred during arm wrestling and occurring mechanism of injury were attracted attention. !! The woman in the video may be using steroids and this may cause weak bones.

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