H:Yuzuru Hanyu, winner and World Champion. Congratulations! Hum, best points ever, world record points in free skating. How do you comment free skating that program yourself?

Y:Only the free skating.(laugh) So l'm feeling really regretful for the short program. So l have to, l have to training more, more and more.(titters)

H:Yeah, you're reigning Olympic Champion. Hum, what do you think now? There's one year to go.

Y:Finally l can, l can say l did work hard every day. So, maybe l need to more, l need to more training. (giggles)

H:You're saying that you need more training, but your program was so solid. How did you prepare yourself?

Y:I don't know. I (giggles) don't know. l forgot, l forgot everything with my program today. So, hum, l just, l just worked hard with music. So, and, you know, hum, everyone gives, gives my, hum, confidence to me.

H:Yeah, there's a lot of fans. There's a lot of Japanese that are here and they travel with you everywhere. How does it feel?

H:I'm so happy. But you know, sometimes l can't, l can't, hum, l can't present to everyone with my performance. Sometimes my performance was like really bad and so tired you know. But hum, hum, finally if l, no, if they are happy in here, l'm so happy.

H:I believe that they are. ls there something that you wanna say to them to thank them?

Y:(titters) Hum, l don't know. I can't say anything.(titters)

H:Ok, you're World Champion, you're like a rock star. Congratulations!

Y:Thank you very much. Kiitos(Finnish, which means thank you in English)

添加了虾青素的粉底液!对氧化say no!





<22.02.24 #小莎拉的歌单分享# >
Y• Car,The Garden - 명동콜링(Myeongdong Calling)
Q• HYUKOH혁오 - Tomboy
Y• A Great Big World / Christina Aguilera - Say Something
A• Justin Bieber - Yummy
A• IU - 밤편지(夜信)Through the Night)
Q• IU - 이런 엔딩 (Ending Scene)
Q• IU - 겨울잠 (Winter Sleep)
A• Troye Sivan - Angel Baby
A• Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - this is how you fall in love
A• Pink Sweat$ - At My Worst (feat Kehlani)
A• LANY - ex i never had
Y• Lauv - There's No Way (feat Julia Michaels)
A• Harry Styles - Falling​

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