Ikonen: History’s Classic Images, Re-Created in the Studio
© Jojakim Cortis And Adrian Sonderegger

From Tiananmen Square to September 11th, iconic images define our understanding of the world. But as a mischievous pair of Swiss artists show, there is a touch of artifice behind every document…

#Aperturist光圈 ##摄影#

'Absolutely not': Pakistan military has nothing to do with whatever happened today, says DG ISPR

ISLAMABAD: Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar Sunday clarified that the military has "nothing to do with" whatever happened in the National Assembly today.

The military spokesperson was responding to a question regarding the rejection of the motion and dissolution of the assembly.

"Was the military involved in today's actions?" DG ISPR was questioned.

"Absolutely not," he responded, adding that whatever happened today has nothing to do with the institution.

The DG ISPR's comments on the ongoing political situation came after President Arif Alvi approved the dissolution of the National Assembly on the advice of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Before this, the NA deputy speaker ruled to adjourn the session held for voting on the no-confidence motion against PM Imran Khan, terming it as "unconstitutional."

In a brief address to the nation after the no-confidence motion was rejected, the premier congratulated the nation and said that the nation should prepare for the next elections.

The next elections, under the constitution, will be held within a period of 90 days.

Finish reading the English translation of The Outsider,written in French by Camus originally.I had read the Chinese version a few years ago. In my opinion, English is good at telling the story clearly,but the Chinese does better to show the thinking of the novelist is serious. The protagonist was a normal person,accepting everything easily in his life. By the pure chance,he became a criminal,condemned to death at last. This guy made no effort to be a real man,he always kept real. He was prepared to die rather than lie, and the ridiculous world sent him to death against his will,or,maybe,conforming to his will.

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