Radial tunnel syndrome is a set of symptoms that include fatigue or dull, aching pain at the top of the forearm with use. Although less common, symptoms can also occur at the back of the hand or wrist. The symptoms are caused by pressure on the radial nerve, usually at the elbow.
The above image demonstrates Surgical procedure known as radial tunnel release.
In this operation, the surgeon divides all compressive sites within the radial tunnel.
This makes the radial tunnel bigger, so the radial nerve has more space.
After the operation, new tissue grows across the split and builds a permanently larger tunnel.

Picture showing comparisson between a healthy brain and a brain in a person with Alzheimer's disease.
The healthy human brain contains tens of billions of neurons—specialized cells that process and transmit information via electrical and chemical signals. They send messages between different parts of the brain, and from the brain to the muscles and organs of the body. Alzheimer’s disease disrupts this communication among neurons, resulting in loss of function and cell death.
The brain typically shrinks to some degree in healthy aging but, surprisingly, does not lose neurons in large numbers. In Alzheimer’s disease, however, damage is widespread, as many neurons stop functioning, lose connections with other neurons, and die. Alzheimer’s disrupts processes vital to neurons and their networks, including communication, metabolism, and repair.
At first, Alzheimer’s disease typically destroys neurons and their connections in parts of the brain involved in memory, including the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. It later affects areas in the cerebral cortex responsible for language, reasoning, and social behavior. Eventually, many other areas of the brain are damaged. Over time, a person with Alzheimer’s gradually loses his or her ability to live and function independently. Ultimately, the disease is fatal.

"Rule of Nines"

It is a method of estimating the extent of burns, expressed as a percentage of total body surface. In this method, the body is divided into sections of 9 per cent, or multiples of 9 per cent, each: head and neck, 9 per cent; anterior trunk, 18 per cent; posterior trunk, 18 per cent; upper limbs, 18 per cent; lower limbs, 36 per cent; genitalia and perineum, 1 per cent. The rule of nines is fairly accurate for adults but does not allow for differences in proportion in children, for whom the lund and browder classification is generally used.

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