一个夏天,70多小时,打完了英灵殿,通读了茅盾翻译的北欧神话。也是我个人觉得最充满人性的神话,虽然保存不完整,故事也不长,也会有每个人都会犯的错,誓言,背叛,为知识而牺牲,还有抵抗命运… We beat and blazed our trail of red till Odin gazed upon the dead. The horns resound the mighty hall for those who fight, for those who fall… https://t.cn/R2YMWbT

#莫奈和印象派大师展# When I gazed at those masterpieces that I already had appreciated over and over again on the screen of my cellphone, it's like they became truly alive, because there they were, hanging in front of me, manifesting themselves in a way so gorgeous and elegant and real with the lights casting a golden glow over them and thus the bright colors, the fluent brushstrokes, the thick paints, the streched blues and dotted pinks all turning so vivid, inspiring in me a feeling of connection with that group of brilliant creators.
Never before had it occurred to me that such a ridiculous and illegal idea as snatching the landscapes would come forth the instant I saw them. Had it not been for their size and the barrier set between, I'd have taken them with me so I could evermore behold them.

人生四大喜事:久旱逢甘露,他乡遇故知。洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。Encountering sweet rain after a prolonged draught; Meeting an old acquaintance when traveling abroad; Enjoying the candelit night in a nuptial chamber; Finding oneself on a list of successful graduates; Chunmei asked the go-between to find a young wife for Chen Ching-chi, that evening, a woman of beauty and a man of talents, they indulged their newlywed passions and enjoying the clouds and rain together. Chen Ching-chi and Ko Tsui-ping were like mandarin ducks beneath the quilt, phoenix mates within the curtains, like fish sporting in the water; later Chunmei would come out to the library from time to time in order to sit down and talk with Chen Ching-chi, and they ended up engaging in intercourse with each other on more than one occasion...Such good fortune would suffice for three lives...Han Tao-kuo and Wang Liu-erh invited Chen Ching-chi for the tea, during the conversation, Chen Ching-chi gazed continually at Han Ai-chieh, while Han Ai-chieh's pair of eyes, like autumn ripples, were fixed infatuately on him...later two of them went to the room, their lascivious excitement burned like fire, and it poved utterly impossible to suppress...with lustful daring as big as the sky, what is there to fear? a lifetime of passion in the willow paths and flower lanes...

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  • 首先,你是不是遇到假的热玛吉了,现在的市场上,假机器,假探头已经数不胜数了,且热玛吉的属于相对于高端的抗衰保养项目,什么几百几千块钱的就不要占这个便宜了,其次,
  • 牛排牛五花横膈膜是每次必点,这次我破天荒的吃了两块牛舌,居然也很好吃[调皮]爆汁五花肉我平时也不怎么吃猪肉的,看到烤出来的猪肉有点点焦焦的想尝尝,其实味道还不错
  • 学会时间管理,学会稳定情绪,学会勇于尝试,学会坚持有结果,希望35岁之前的你一定要认清自己,到底什么是你想要的,不要再彷徨犹豫,时间挺贵的。#花喜##招代理##
  • 恨我的人,只隐约记得我的名字,已经忘了我的面目,爱我至深的人啊,想起我时,有短暂的沉默,生活把一切都渐渐模糊。恨我的人,只隐约记得我的名字,已经忘了我的面目,爱
  • 大慈大悲的观音菩萨保佑爸爸妈妈和我的身体健康!无病无忧!平平安安!事事顺心!快快乐乐!保佑我的牙龈健康!保佑我的口腔健康!保佑我的眼睛健康!保佑我的视力越来越好
  • ​18、喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,会给你未来;而能跟你一辈子的人就是:理解你的过去,相信你的未来,并包容你的现在。​12、两个人遇见的几率为0.0000
  • 我一度怀疑,是不是因为他当初进瓜队的年纪太小,虽然现在有更小的队员了,但教练和哥哥们还把他当小孩子看。不,甚至外协……我都不知道语言不通,他是怎么跟各个国家的人
  • 金桔园的园丁们快来播种你们的果实吧不久的未来,我们的种植园里将有百万的果实等待你们查收【教程➡️】文案:橙子 猫猫@TF家族-张极今天难得睡了大懒觉然后做了一
  • 我也不知道我那个时候的小卡已经送完了,当时也没跟我说……[泪]我本来就很佛系,目标是小票(还是帮吃mrf的亲友拿,我自己本身不吃)假如排光了拿不到我也认了……所
  • 我的小老鼠熬了好几个晚上,成功把咱娘俩的黑眼圈都熬出来了,可太难了,快点好起来吧[泪]从最开始的拼命挣扎到最后的放弃挣扎随他去的心情,麻麻也很不想给你喂药呀宝[
  • 自然界的万事万物也是如此,美丑、善恶,吉凶同存。施舍出自己的宫殿,请佛祖在殿内为诸天神说法,他自己则成为佛教的护法神。
  • 2012年获得世界乒乓球团体锦标赛冠军,8月在伦敦奥运会中获得男子单打冠军。2012年,获得世界乒乓球团体锦标赛冠军;8月,在伦敦奥运会中获得男子单打冠军,实现
  • 可送单人贴纸【厦门发布台风黄色预警】今年第18号台风“圆规”逐渐逼近,将给厦门带来风雨影响。受“圆规”及冷空气共同影响,今天白天到夜间思明区、湖里区、海沧区、集
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  • 这样的女人,只要你肯用心、足够耐心,其实是很容易追到手的。就算无人问津也好,技不如人也好,千万别让烦躁和焦虑毁了你本就不多的热情和定力。
  • ”原来领证要给工作人员发喜糖...可爱的投资者很多投资者找了几个“民间股神”学会画几根线看了几张图就带着崇高理想冲进市场[微笑]结果被市场打得满地找牙还有些投资
  • 《资本论》里说过,如果给资本300%的利润,他们就敢犯任何罪行......这句话为舒肤佳、美图秀秀、盒马生鲜、讯飞等企业频繁蹭当红艺人热度的行为,提供了最好的注
  • 】9月18日,在中国(许昌)国际发制品交易市场,43岁的发制品经营者赵国伟登录许昌市场采购贸易联网信息平台,轻松完成了一笔13.8万美元的发制品订单。然后问他什
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  • 调整后的名单如下(单位正式获批授权后自动从名单中移除):一、博士学位授予立项建设单位(10个):广东药科大学、广州体育学院、广州美术学院、星海音乐学院、广东技术