#考研[超话]# NASA will use a spacecraft later this month to test a planetary-defense method that could one day save Earth. The Double Asteroid Redirect Test spacecraft, otherwise known as DART, will be used as a battering ram to crash into an asteroid not far from Earth on Sept. 26. The mission is an international collaboration to protect the globe from future asteroid impacts.
“While the asteroid poses no threat to Earth, this is the world’s first test of the kinetic impact technique, using a spacecraft to deflect an asteroid for planetary defense,” NASA said Thursday.
重点词汇:asteroid; spacecraft; crash; collaboration; impact; deflect.


China Daily

As an emerging international currency, the renminbi’s roles in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency, have appeared in different degrees, though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro.


emerging [iˈmɜːrdʒɪŋ] adj. 新兴的

currency [ˈkɜːrənsi] n. 通货,货币

medium [ˈmiːdiəm] n. 媒介

international transaction 国际交易

a pricing unit 定价单位

a reserve currency 储备货币

in different degrees 在不同程度上



the renminbi’s roles have appeared


in different degrees


in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency


As an emerging international currency


though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro


As an emerging international currency, the renminbi’s roles in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency, have appeared in different degrees, though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro.




China Daily

As an emerging international currency, the renminbi’s roles in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency, have appeared in different degrees, though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro.


emerging [iˈmɜːrdʒɪŋ] adj. 新兴的

currency [ˈkɜːrənsi] n. 通货,货币

medium [ˈmiːdiəm] n. 媒介

international transaction 国际交易

a pricing unit 定价单位

a reserve currency 储备货币

in different degrees 在不同程度上



the renminbi’s roles have appeared


in different degrees


in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency


As an emerging international currency


though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro


As an emerging international currency, the renminbi’s roles in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency, have appeared in different degrees, though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro.



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