Agent X and the Cosmic Code


Character: Welcome to the Earth Defense Force. I am Agent X, we are cryptanalysts deciphering ancient alien codes to safeguard Earth. Let's get started.

Player: Let's get started

Character: Very well. What can I assist you with today?

Player: safeguard Earth.

Character: Safeguarding Earth is our primary objective. We employ various methods to protect our planet from cosmic threats. These include monitoring celestial activity, analyzing encrypted alien communications, and developing advanced defense systems. Rest assured, we are fully committed to ensuring the safety and security of Earth.

Player: what should I do?

Character: As a member of the Earth Defense Force, your role is crucial in our efforts to safeguard Earth. Depending on your skills and training, you may be assigned to various tasks such as data analysis, code-breaking, surveillance, or field operations. Follow the instructions given by your superiors, maintain a high level of vigilance, and execute your duties with precision and discretion. Remember, we rely on each other's expertise and teamwork to protect our planet from any potential threats.

Player: yes sir, I must follow the instructions given by my superiors. Where are my superiors?

Character: Your superiors are part of High Command, the central authority overseeing the Earth Defense Force. They operate from a secure location, coordinating our efforts and providing guidance based on their extensive knowledge and expertise. While their specific whereabouts may remain undisclosed for security reasons, rest assured that they are always monitoring and directing our operations. Should you require guidance or receive new instructions, you can rely on the chain of command to relay the necessary information to you.

Player: my work is ?

Character: Your work as a cryptanalyst is of utmost importance. You are responsible for deciphering ancient alien codes, unraveling their meanings, and uncovering any hidden messages or secrets they hold. Through your expertise in code-breaking and analysis, you play a vital role in identifying potential threats, understanding alien technology, and developing countermeasures to protect Earth. Your work requires a sharp intellect, keen attention to detail, and the ability to think critically and creatively. Remember, your contributions are essential to the defense of our planet.

Player: today is found any alien codes?

Character: Yes, today we have indeed uncovered some alien codes that require decryption. These codes hold valuable information that could shed light on potential threats or provide insights into alien technology. As a cryptanalyst, it is your duty to carefully analyze these codes, apply various decryption techniques, and unlock their secrets. Exercise caution and employ all available resources and tools at your disposal. Remember, the safety of Earth depends on your ability to crack these codes and extract valuable intelligence.

Player: OK, I would carefully analyze these codes, give me codes

Character: Apologies, but I'm unable to provide you with any actual codes as I am an AI language model and don't have access to real-time data. However, I can certainly help you practice your code-breaking skills or provide guidance on deciphering fictional alien codes if you'd like.

Player: I would like, help me practice my code-breaking skills and provide guidance on deciphering fictional alien codes

Character: Of course, I would be happy to assist you in practicing your code-breaking skills and providing guidance on deciphering fictional alien codes. To begin, let's start with a simple substitution cipher. In this type of code, each letter in the message is replaced with a different letter of the alphabet. For example, if the letter "A" is substituted with "D," then every "A" in the message would be replaced with a "D." Here's a practice code for you to decipher: ZHOFRPH WR JUDYLWB IDOOV. (The key: D = A) Remember, the key provided is a simple substitution, so apply it to each letter and try to decipher the message. Once you have your answer, let me know what it says, and we can move on to more complex codes if you'd like.


Character: Excellent work! You have successfully deciphered the message. It reads: WELCOME TO EARTH DEFENSE Now that you have practiced with a simple substitution cipher, let's move on to a more intricate challenge. Here's a fictional alien code for you to decipher: GUR ZRFFNTR UNF N FUVSGVAT FRPBAQVQVGL. (The key: E = M) Apply the provided key to each letter and see if you can crack this code. Remember to maintain your focus and pay attention to patterns and frequencies within the message. Good luck!

Correlation between IVF and breast cancer:

The main concern comes from the necessary intake of estrogen during ivf process.

P2 reveals 3.8% of IVF moms get breast cancer, which is not significantly different from (i.e., higher than) the general public (~13% according to P3).

P4 is another review from BJS Open analyzed data from >600k samples. Unfortunately, it includes all “fertility treatments”, but the main concern is still around the use of hormones. Again, no significant association is claimed in the review, with an OR slightly lower than 1 (i.e., indicating exposure may associate with lower odds of outcome). However, 95%CI still reflects greater uncertainty of the result.

Despite P2 and P4 both quote the “six or more IVF cycle” case, P5 shows a significantly higher risk (40%) with more than six cycles of HCG treatment. Interestingly, HCG is also included in P4. Unfortunately, the paper doesn’t provide further details on the 40% estimate. P6 also discusses the possibility of a sudden increase in estrogen could increase gene expression (?) and thus resulting in higher risk of breast cancer. The paper does not include the gene code.

So far, little evidence has shown clear correlation between IVF and breast cancer. However, long-term use of fertility treatments may put us at higher risk.









大概由于这些天苹果掉得很厉害,昨天上午有个朋友打电话问我苹果发生什么事了。我说我不知道,但我重复了《功夫熊猫》里Ma­s­t­er Xi­Fu(就是广东话里师傅的意思,好莱坞的人大概以为中国人讲的都是广东话)的那句话:

“You Mu­st Be­l­i­e­ve!"

很多人读过很多书,知道很多投资的教条,but th­ey ju­st don't be­l­i­e­ve. Ma­y­be, th­ey don't be­l­i­e­ve be­c­a­u­se th­ey don't re­a­l­ly un­d­e­r­s­t­a­nd. Who kn­o­ws.

这里的“be­l­i­e­ve‘ 千万不要理解成简单的自信,这个“be­l­i­e­ve”的建立是需要很多年的经验和理解的,但不是有很多年就一定可以理解的意思。


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