繼續AI,@ Lanny Quarles


in the sildanese gnif sac
there is al lark kard mont dew
flew parrot kingship pretty knickers
and yumgilly the doll cardshark
mechanical footman character
id pisp rep nep newt grommet
met force parable of nature
at the back of the bank
with its gnif sac ensoldiered
to the against the grain network
of salvers

yumgilly keyhootingbarable!
I cried at the old vocabulary sac
then the sildanese parrat replaya ed

yumgill lee! said like a chop suey pig
a gnif pigs leather foot ball
yumgilly in my thunderbird boswell
under the over pass

yumgilly in my johnson's boswell van
yumgilly while she smoked then
there was in short
a lark kard
a fond remembrance
of this undergound
and jeweled insectoid rabbit hive
her cultural studies professor
told her at once

he is not my
priest's psychiatryst's

to which the gnifsac director replied
mechanical bull islands
city is etriscan beer pantalons

pen yumgilly
in the lark of all summers mong
tiny tim hard angel abacus

there was most mong
in dop hydra

dob and dop hydra both
were chop charlie bowler

dissecting live
bowler economy
was just about yumgilly
in perfect chives of confetti
mock bosewell
rabbit priest integer

all of yumgilly
must analog the mayan

there is human blood
on the hooting owl
and its name
is yumgilly
crooked walking stick
some promothions
brass tack steering wheel

this how the psycone
would mud take hanese
to the febrile bonnet
tame hair dryer opochoki
gnocchi paras ides heatures

英文: youthful chinese boy running with a pig on his shoulder,playful mother chasing behind,animated,cartoonish cityscape from a fisheye perspective,exaggerated curvature,enhanced depth,dramatic fisheye lens effect,friendly expressions,bustling street life,vibrant colors,round faces with big eyes and small noses,clean outlines,vivid color fill,[saturation],wide-angle perspective,dynamic skewed lighting,humor,action,movement,(best quality,4k,8k,highres,masterpiece:1.2),ultra-detailed,(realistic,photorealistic,photo-realistic:1.37),sharp focus,youthful fashion,fun for all ages

中文:年轻的中国男孩肩上扛着猪奔跑,顽皮的母亲在后面追,动画,鱼眼视角的卡通城市景观,夸张的曲率,增强的深度,戏剧性的鱼眼镜头效果,友好的表情,繁华的街头生活,鲜艳的色彩,大圆脸眼睛和小鼻子,干净的轮廓,生动的色彩填充,[饱和度],广角视角,动态倾斜照明,幽默,动作,运动,(最佳质量,4k,8k,高分辨率,杰作:1.2),超详细, (写实,照片写实,照片写实:1.37),对焦锐利,青春时尚,老少皆宜
#aigc##stable diffusion##设计#

模板:a humanoid majestic warrior with an [animal] mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

1. a humanoid majestic warrior with an lynx mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

2. a humanoid majestic warrior with an wolf mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

3. a humanoid majestic warrior with an crow mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

4. a humanoid majestic warrior with an pig mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

5. a humanoid majestic warrior with an squid mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

6. a humanoid majestic warrior with an goat mask | epic fighter | 80's synthwave nostalgic vibes | digital illustration --s 150 --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

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