Amberliu IG
: Hey everyone, im sorry to have to announce Gongju passed away on Saturday. I want to thank everyone for supporting her for the past three years. Its been a pleasure sharing this part of my life with everyone. Their account will still be active for JackJack @ jackjackdadog . There might be future released content that was filmed weeks in advanced with her in it, just wanted to let everyone know in case there is future confusion. Again thank you so much everyone.

Amberliu IG
: I never want to be forceful but there comes a time where i need to put my foot down on something i strongly believe in. Due to recent events i want to address something: I've been a tomboy pretty much all my life and honestly, to put it short, it really sucks sometimes. Haters can and will hate, but insulting me in front my face is totally different thing. I personally believe girls and boys are not limited to one specific look. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. We are all different. If we all sang the same melody how can there be harmony? Dont judge someone just because they're different. Hopefully we can all grow to respect each other's differences.
Im always trying to stay positive and happy. I love my life, my work, and the people who are constantly supporting me. I am always thankful because i know i cant be here on my own strength. With every mistake, i analyze my fault and then try to better myself. I know i can't be perfect but i will always try to be my best. In regards to that, i want thank everyone again for constantly encouraging me and believing in me.
To put it simply, love and help one another. And for people who are struggling, always be yourself. Being true and real to who you are is the biggest thing you can do for yourself. Love life, work hard, and chase your dreams.
Thank you again.

康斯罗犬(Cane Corso)是一种体型大而强壮的犬种,起源于义大利。 它们以肌肉发达、威严的外表和强烈的守卫本能而闻名。 历史上,康斯罗犬被用作工作犬,用于守卫财产、狩猎大型猎物,甚至参与战争。

在性情方面,它们通常忠诚、亲爱,对家人充满保护欲。 它们需要早期社交化和训练,以适当地引导其天生的保护本能。 由于体型和力量,不建议没有经验的狗主养康斯罗犬,但透过适当的训练和照顾,它们可以成为忠诚的伴侣和出色的守卫犬。

The Cane Corso is a large and powerful dog breed that originated in Italy. They are known for their muscular build, imposing appearance, and strong guarding instincts. Historically, Cane Corsos were used as working dogs for tasks such as guarding property, hunting large game , and even in war.

In terms of temperament, they are typically loyal, affectionate, and protective of their families. They require early socialization and training to channel their natural protective instincts appropriately. Cane Corsos are not recommended for inexperienced dog owners due to their size and strength, but with proper training and care, they can make devoted companions and excellent guard dogs.

Der Cane Corso ist eine große und kraftvolle Hunderasse, die ihren Ursprung in Italien hat. Sie sind bekannt für ihre muskulöse Statur, imposantes Erscheinungsbild und starken Schutzinstinkte. Historisch wurden Cane Corsos als Arbeits- und Gebrauchshunde eingesetzt, um Eigentum zu bewachen, auf die Jagd nach Großwild zu gehen und sogar im Kriegsdienst zu stehen.

Was ihr Temperament betrifft, sind sie in der Regel loyal, liebevoll und beschützend gegenüber ihren Familien. Sie benötigen eine frühzeitige Sozialisierung und Ausbildung, um ihre natürlichen Schutzinstinkte angemessen zu kanalisieren. Aufgrund ihrer Größe und Stärke werden Cane Corsos nicht für unerfahrene Hundebesitzer empfohlen, aber mit richtiger Ausbildung und Pflege können sie treue Begleiter und ausgezeichnete Wachhunde sein.


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