The Prince of Suiyang’s Daughter
Cao Pi
A scholar named Tan was still unmarried at forty, which distressed him deeply. One night he was studying the Book of Songs at midnight when a girl of about sixteen came in. Her beauty and splendor had no equal on earth, and she offered to be his wife. She warned him, though: “I am no ordinary women, so for three years you must not look at me by torchlight.”
They married and had a son, and when the boy was two years old, Tan could contain his curiosity no longer. While his wife lay asleep he stealthily held a torch over her. From the waist up she was flesh like anyone else, but from the waist down she was nothing but dry bones! Just then his wife woke up.
“You have wronged me, husband!” she cried, “I was soon to have become a mortal woman. Why couldn’t you wait for one more year instead of holding that torch over me?”
Tan made abject apologies.
“Now we must part forever,” she said in tears. “You must take good care of my son. If you are too poor to support yourself, come with me now and I shall give you a present.”
He followed her into a splendid hall—a rare building richly furnished—where she gave him a robe made of petals.
“You can live on this,” she told him.
And she tore a strip from his gown to leave there.
Later Tan sold the robe to the prince of Suiyang for ten million coins. As soon as the prince set eyes on it, he said: “that was my daughter’s robe. This fellow must be a grave-robber.”
He had Tan tried, and refused to believe him when Tan described what had happened. But upon going to inspect the grave, they found it unbroken. And when they opened it, under the coffin lid they discovered the strip of Tan’s garment. They perceived that his son resembled the princess too. So at last the prince as convinced. Summoning Tan, he returned him the robe and made him his son-in-law, while the child was recommended for a post in the palace guard.


#席地而坐SIT# - 森林之韵

#芳草留痕LAY# - 草野灵气

#空无一木VOID# - 木韵禅旅

This proposal is to examine the current marketing strategy and offer recommendations for improvement.

After a throughout analysis of the sales data, it is found that our company has suffered significantly decrease in market share over the last three quarters. At present, our company has adopted the cost-leadership strategy, that is, charging our products lower than our rivals. Besides, we offered a large number of coupons to attract more consumers. A great deal of human and resources have been pumped in, but with slim results. Some consumers are initially attracted to our company, but they are easy to turn to other companies. It has caused great economic loss to our company.

As regard to the seriousness of this issue, it is suggested that we make a shift of the marketing strategy. With the rapid development of society and increasing standard of living, people’s consumption idea has changed dramatically. Nowadays, it is quality rather than price that serves as the top consideration in their purchasing decisions. Considering the market condition, I recommend we choose the differentiate marketing strategy. Firstly, we need to carry out a detailed market research to clarify our target consumers. Based on the demand of niche market, we could launch some specific products to meet their needs. In addition, it is a good idea to lay more emphasis on the quality of our products. As the old saying goes, “quality speaks for itself.” Only with goods and products of high quality can we maintain our enduring and loyal customers and attract more potential consumers.

By adopting this strategy, it is possible for our company to raise the price because users are willing to pay for valuable products of high quality. In this way, our company will win a competitive edge over other rivals and stay ahead of the market.

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